This topic describes how to upgrade Kubernetes in your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Domino deployment. AKS is hosted on Azure.
Immediately after the Kubernetes upgrade, you must upgrade Domino to a compatible version of Kubernetes. Domino will not work as expected until this is completed. For example, after upgrading Kubernetes to v1.22, you must upgrade to Domino v5.2 or later. Kubernetes v1.22 is not compatible with older versions of Domino. Similarly, after upgrading to Kubernetes 1.23 or 1.24, you must upgrade to Domino v5.3 or later. |
To upgrade Kubernetes on Azure, you must have a Unix or Linux terminal with the following:
Use environment variables to set the values of IDs, names, and labels. This simplifies the commands you’ll run when you upgrade:
export SUB_ID=<Id of the subscription where AKS was deployed>
export RG_NAME=<Name of the resource group where AKS was deployed>
export CLUSTER_NAME=<The name of the cluster where domino is deployed>
If you aren’t already signed in to Azure CLI, run:
az login
Protect your current kubeconfig from being overwritten:
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
Get the remote kubeconfig:
az aks get-credentials --subscription $SUB_ID --resource-group $RG_NAME --name $CLUSTER_NAME -f $KUBECONFIG
You must temporarily disable the PodDisruptionBudget
(PDB) for certain services.
To do this, back up the PDBs, delete the original PDBs, then update Kubernetes and restore the PDBs from the backup after the update is complete.
Back up the PDBs:
kubectl get pdb -n domino-platform -oyaml > pdb-backup.yaml
Delete the PDBs:
kubectl delete -f pdb-backup.yaml
Check for available AKS cluster upgrades:
az aks get-upgrades --subscription $SUB_ID --resource-group $RG_NAME --name $CLUSTER_NAME --output table
Run the cluster update:
az aks upgrade --subscription $SUB_ID --resource-group $RG_NAME --name $CLUSTER_NAME --kubernetes-version <version-number>
NoteThe previous step might take several minutes to complete.
Run these commands from the same folder as the backup:
kubectl apply -f pdb-backup.yaml