Connect to Starburst JDBC data entities

Domino Data Sources can leverage the vast capabilities of Starburst’s JDBC connection to connect to any Starburst-JDBC data entity. Enjoy all the benefits of Domino Data Sources with expanded connectivity through Starburst JDBC.

The following Starburst JDBC-based data entities are enabled by default:

  • IBM DB2

  • IBM Netezza



Starburst needs to be enabled in the deployment. If not enabled, please follow the instructions to enable Starburst-powered Data Sources.

Create a Starburst JDBC-powered Data Source

To create a Starburst JDBC-powered Data Source, you must have network connectivity between the data platform and your Domino deployment.

  1. Go to Admin > Data > Data Sources.

  2. Click Create a Data Source.

  3. Select the data entity you want to connect to under the Powered by Starburst JDBC section.

    Domino data sources powered by Starburst

  4. Enter the appropriate connection parameters.

    Domino data sources powered by Starburst

  5. Enter the Data Source Name and optionally provide a Description to explain the purpose of the Data Source to others.

  6. Select the credential type.

  7. Optionally, enter your credentials. You can choose to enter these later.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Select whether Everyone can access this data source or just Specific users or organizations.

  10. Click Finish Setup.

    To finish setup, you must restart the cluster. Domino will alert you that a cluster restart is needed and provide a link to restart the cluster.

    Starburst cluster restart prompt

    The restart takes approximately 5-10 minutes and disrupts any interactions with Starburst-powered Data Source. Plan on performing the restart when no executions are running that interact with Starburst-powered data sources.

Add Starburst JDBC data entities

Not all JDBC-powered data entities are available by default. You can enable additional JDBC data entities such as the following:

  • ClickHouse

  • Druid

  • Greenplum

  • MariaDB

  • Ignite

  • SingleStore (MemSQL)

  • Synapse

  • Vertica

  • Generic JDBC capability provided by Starburst

You may need to contact your Customer Success engineer for assistance to add some additional JDBC data entities.
  1. Go to Admin > Advanced > Central Config.

  2. Add or edit the following config option com.cerebro.domino.datasource.starburstJdbc.enabledConnectors.

  3. Add a comma-separated list of data-entity names as the value for the config option: clickhouse,druid,db2,synapse,greenplum,ignite,mariadb,singlestore,vertica,generic_jdbc,sap_hana,netezza

  4. Restart the Domino services to apply the new setting, following the prompt on the admin page.

You should now be able to see the newly added data entity in the drop-down list.