Use Datasets and Snapshots

When the Dataset you need is already in Domino and it’s shared with you, you can add it to your project and use it in your code.

To access the contents of an existing Dataset that is not in your project, mount the target Dataset in your project.

Mount a Dataset in a Project

  1. From the navigation pane, click Datasets, then click Mount Shared Dataset.

  2. Click Dataset to Mount to see a list of Datasets to which you have access. Select the Dataset that you want to mount in this project.

    To mount a Dataset to a project, you must have the appropriate the Dataset role and you must be an owner or contributor on the project to which you want to mount the Dataset.

    Under Shared Datasets, you can see the Dataset that you or someone else in the project mounted. The Path for the Dataset points to a directory where you will find the mounted Dataset in your project’s executions.

Remove a shared Dataset from a Project

  1. Go to the Dataset that you want to unmount.

  2. At the end of its row, click the three vertical dots and click Unmount.


Unmounting a shared Dataset will not remove it from existing executions until the execution completes. However, the Dataset will not be available for new executions in this project.

Access a Dataset in your code

In order to access a Dataset or a snapshot in your code, you need to know its path. There are several ways to find the path to a Dataset or any of its snapshots in Domino.

Find the path in a Workspace

  • When launching a workspace, click Additional Details:

    Dataset path in the new workspace dialog

  • In a running workspace, click Settings > Edit Settings > Additional Details.

    Dataset path in the workspace settings

Find the path in a Job

  • When launching a job, click Additional Details:

    Dataset path in the new job dialog

  • In a running job, click Details > Data.

    Dataset path in the job settings

Domino executions (workspaces, jobs, apps, and launchers) automatically make Datasets and their associated snapshots from a project available in a predefined path that follows the conventions described in this topic. The following configuration demonstrates how it translates into paths that will be available in executions.

  • Dataset called clapton (local to the project)

    • Snapshot 1 (tagged with tag1)

    • Snapshot 2 (not tagged)

  • Dataset called mingus (local to project)

    • Snapshot 1 (tagged with tag2)

    • Snapshot 2 (not tagged)

  • Dataset called ella (shared from another project)

    • Snapshot 1 (tagged with tag3)

    • Snapshot 2 (not tagged)

  • Dataset called davis (shared from another project)

    • Snapshot 1 (tagged with tag4)

    • Snapshot 2 (not tagged)

Understand Dataset paths in DFS Projects

For a Domino File System (DFS) project, Datasets and snapshots are available in the following hierarchy:

      |--/local               <== Local datasets and snapshots
         |--/clapton          <== Read-write dataset for owner and editor, read-only for reader
         |--/mingus           <== Read-write dataset for owner and editor, read-only for reader
         |--/snapshots        <== Snapshot folder organized by dataset
            |--/clapton       <== Read-write for owner and editor, read-only for reader
               |--/tag1          <== Mounted under latest tag
               |--/1             <== Always mounted under the snapshot number
      |--/ella                <== Read-write shared dataset for owner and editor, Read-only for reader
      |--/davis               <== Read-write shared dataset for owner and editor, Read-only for reader
      |--/snapshots           <== Shared datasets snapshots organized by dataset
         |--/ella             <== Read-write for owner and editor, read-only for reader
            |--/tag3          <== Mounted under latest tag
            |--/1             <== Always mounted under the snapshot number

Understand Dataset paths in Git-based Projects

For a Git-based Projects, the Datasets and snapshots are available in the following hierarchy:

   |--/data                  <== Local datasets and snapshots
     |--/clapton             <== Read-write dataset for owner and editor, read-only for reader
     |--/mingus              <== Read-write dataset for owner and editor, read-only for reader
     |--/snapshots           <== Snapshot folder organized by dataset
        |--/clapton          <== Read-write for owner and editor, read-only for reader
           |--/tag1          <== Mounted under latest tag
           |--/1             <== Always mounted under the snapshot number
        |--/ella             <== Read-write shared dataset for owner and editor, read-only for reader
        |--/davis            <== Read-write shared dataset for owner and editor, read-only for reader
        |--/snapshots        <== Shared dataset snapshots organized by dataset
           |--/ella          <== Read-write for owner and editor, read-only for reader
              |--/tag3       <== Mounted under latest tag
              |--/1          <== Always mounted under the snapshot number

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