Set up the feature store

Before Domino users can use the feature store, an admin must set it up as explained in this topic. Each Domino deployment supports one globally-available feature store.


A prepared offline store (data store) for featurized historical data

Domino’s feature store supports these types of offline stores:

  • local files (such as Parquet files)

  • Snowflake

  • Redshift

  • BigQuery

The offline store can only store featurized data from a data store of the same type. For example, a Snowflake offline store only contains data originating from a Snowflake data store.

A prepared online store for low-latency service of materialized feature data

These types of online stores are supported:

  • SQLite (local database file)

  • Bigtable

  • Datastore

  • DynamoDB

  • Redis

  • Snowflake

You can use any type of online store with any type of offline store.

A Git repository for the feature definition code

Domino supports these Git providers:

  • Github

  • Github Enterprise

  • Bitbucket

  • Bitbucket Server

  • Gitlab

  • Gitlab Enterprise

Your Git repository can be empty, unless you intend to use local files as your data store. If so, the files must be placed within a folder named data within the Git repository.
Your feature store users have added their Git credentials to Domino.

Users who plan to use the feature store can do this at Account Settings > Git Credentials > Add a New Credential using the instructions in Add your credential to Domino.

Enable the feature store

  1. Go to Admin > Data > Feature Store and click Setup Feature Store.

  2. Input the details about your offline store, online store, and your Git repository.


    If you are inputting SSH keys for your Git credentials, be sure to include the beginning and end headers, such as:

  3. Click Finish.

    Now you can review the feature store metadata you inputted:

    Feature store metadata

Domino initializes your feature store Git repository with a YAML configuration file named feature_store.yaml and a .feastignore file. You can make modify those configuration files as needed. See Feast’s feature_store.yaml documentation.

Control access to the feature store

Access to the feature store can be controlled through Git credentials. Users with invalid or no Git credentials to the feature store repository will not be able to access the feature store repository in the workspace.