To install and configure Domino in your AWS account, you must have:
An AWS account.
credentials provided by Domino. -
A SSL certificate for your domain in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
A Unix or Linux terminal with the following:
Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed.
Terraform installed with an active session (see the Terraform module requirements for compatible versions).
Kubectl installed.
Docker installed.
Helm installed.
The <code>ddlctl</code> command line installed.
The Platform Operator installed.
Run the following:
aws --version
terraform version
kubectl version --client=true --short=true
docker version
helm version
Validate AWS credentials by making sure that the following command returns the UserId
, Account
, and Arn
aws sts get-caller-identity
Ensure you have a Unix or Linux terminal with the following installed:
If you already have cluster access in your local kubeconfig, the aws CLI steps are not necessary.
# ddlctl
ddlctl version
# aws-cli
aws --version
# kubectl
kubectl version --client=true --short=true
# docker daemon is installed and running
docker --version
docker ps
Otherwise, follow these steps to install those that are missing:
Install the
by following these instructions. -
by following these instructions. -
Install Docker and exit the terminal. When you log in again, the modifications that you just made will become active.
Install ddlctl.
Run the following:
unset HISTFILE export DEPLOY_NAME=<Name of deployment> export AWS_REGION=<The region to deploy the resources> export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Your AWS access key ID> export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<Your AWS secret key>
To retrieve the credentials for your Kubernetes cluster, check your local kubeconfig with:
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
Update the kubeconfig:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG --region $AWS_REGION --name $DEPLOY_NAME --alias $DEPLOY_NAME