Bootstrap a Domino Cluster

Before following this guide, you must first review and satisfy any target environment-specific requirements covered under Install Domino.

For release tags and versions, please refer to the releases page.

To bootstrap a Domino cluster:

  1. Download and install the platform operator’s companion command line tool, ddlctl.

  2. Export your credentials to your shell as QUAY_USERNAME and QUAY_PASSWORD (if you do this, ddlctl will use them automatically).

  3. Make sure Docker is installed and the daemon is running on your machine.

  4. Make sure you have access to the target cluster with sufficient permissions to create namespaces, secrets, and deploy resources.

  5. Get the fleetcommand-agent image tag for your target Domino version on the releases page.

  6. Run the following command:

    ddlctl bootstrap
It is not strictly necessary to supply flags to bootstrap as it will interactively prompt you for any missing information.

The bootstrap subcommand will walk you through a series of operations:

  • Creating the domino-operator namespace.

  • Creating the registry secret to be used by the platform operator for pulling images from

  • Installing the platform operator Helm chart.

  • Creating a configuration for your Domino cluster that conforms to the schema.

  • Generating a Domino custom resource (CR) for your Domino cluster.

  • Applying the Domino CR to your Kubernetes cluster on confirmation.

  • Tailing the logs of the ensuing operator job until its completion.

Bootstrap an existing Domino cluster

The above instructions can be used to bootstrap an entirely new Domino cluster or to migrate an existing cluster to use the platform operator. The principal distinction between the two is:

  • For a new cluster, the bootstrap subcommand will generate a new, empty configuration file for you to fill in.

  • With an existing cluster, you will need to supply a path containing the existing configuration to add to the Domino custom resource.

Skip generating and applying a Domino custom resource

If you prefer to approach things piecemeal, you can bootstrap the operator independently of generating and applying a Domino custom resource. Just supply bootstrap with the --skip-domino-resource flag, i.e.:

ddlctl bootstrap --skip-domino-resource

To then create a Domino custom resource separately (whether with a new or existing configuration), follow the Install Domino guide.