Project templates

A Project template can be created from an existing project by selecting which assets to include (code, datasets, apps, etc.). With templates created, users can kickstart their projects from a collection of existing prototypes rather than beginning from scratch. The use of project templates help to enable:

  • Collaboration - Easily share and reuse methods, techniques, and working prototypes with colleagues across the organization or company.

  • Efficiency - Accelerate time to impact by leveraging internal examples as a starting point for your projects.

  • Standardization - Implement internal best practices that can be easily promoted/enforced as company standards.

Project templates are only supported for Git-based projects.

Create a template

To create a project template:

  1. Navigate to the Project you would like to templatize and click Create Template on the top right. Note that For GitHub and GitHub Enterprise, the button only appears if the code repository for the Project is a template repository.

    Create Template Button
  2. Enter a Template Name, an optional Description, and set the Access level.

    Create Template - Step 1
  3. Select the assets to copy into the template. Also enter a Default Billing Tag (optional), Default Environment, and Default Hardware Tier. Note that Activities, Reviews, Workspaces, Jobs, Experiments and Comments cannot be copied to a template.

    Create Template - Step 2
  4. Choose where to store the code files for the new template, specifying details for the provider, credentials (only PAT credentials are supported), and the repository.

    When choosing to store in an existing repository, the repository must be empty. If there is a file in there, it will be overwritten. If there are other files besides that, the operation will fail. Also note that only GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, GitLab Enterprise, and Bitbucket Cloud providers are supported.

    Create Template - Step 3
  5. Create the Project template.

Create a Project from a template

For templates stored in GitHub or GitHub Enterprise, the code repository must be marked as a template repository before projects can be created from it.

To create a Project from a template:

  1. Navigate to the Projects page and click on the Templates tab.

  2. Browse for the relevant template and click on it to create the project.

    Project Template Home
  3. When creating the project, choose between a number of options for where the code will be stored:

    • New repository: Create a completely new repository for the project code.

    • Existing repository (empty): Use an existing empty repository. The template code files will be copied into the repository. If there is a file in there, it will be overwritten. If there are other files besides that, the operation will fail.

    • Existing repository (with code): Use a repository with existing code. Template code files will not be copied into the new repository. Only the project assets will be included.

    Create Project

Mark official templates

Project templates can be marked with an official flag to indicate an approved or recommended template for usage across the organization.

Only an admin or librarian role can toggle the official flag on a template. Once a template has been flagged as official, practitioner roles can no longer modify or delete the templates.

To flag a template as official:

  1. Navigate to the Projects page and click on the Templates tab.

  2. Hover over the relevant template and click on Edit Details.

  3. Check the Mark this as an official template box and click Save.

    Project Template Edit
  4. Filter the view by Official templates to see all available templates that are marked as official.

    Project Template Official

Known Issues


SysAdmins can’t view Template details

Share the Template with the SysAdmin by adding them as a collaborator