Selectively revert past materials

Domino offers fine-grained controls to manage Project materials. This lets you revert certain Project materials to previous states without affecting others.

For example, you can revert to an older package library version while keeping your latest code and data intact. Similarly, you can run your current code using an older version of your data when needed.

Learn how to isolate and revert the following materials in a Domino Project to a previous version:

  • Files

  • Compute environments

  • Dataset snapshots

  • Job runs

Revert file revisions in a Domino Project

When viewing a file, you can use the Commit menu to browse to past versions that you can revert. If you are browsing the root directory of your Project, you’ll revert all Project files.

If you are browsing a specific file, you’ll only revert that file.

Revert compute Environment revisions

When viewing Details of a compute Environment, the Revisions tab will show you all versions.

After clicking into one version of an Environment, you can make it the Active Revision, or download materials to recreate that environment outside of Domino.

Revert Dataset snapshots

When viewing a Dataset, the Snapshot menu lets you browse past Snapshots.

To revert to an old version, manually create a new snapshot. Replace all files with the contents from the desired old snapshot.

Re-run a past Job using the latest code or compute Environment

If you select a Job on the Jobs dashboard, you can re-run it.

  • Re-Run with Current Version executes the exact command from the original Job, with the current state of your Project Files.

  • Re-Run with Original Version uses the original command and the original Files from the selected Job, with the latest version of your compute Environment.

Next steps

These topics in this section explain how you can make your workflows reproducible in Domino.

Reproducibility use cases

Learn how to reproduce the results of a Job, Workspace, Model, App, or Launcher.

File syncing and persistence

Domino automatically tracks files in your Project and keeps previous versions in the blob store.

Remove a file from the DRE: Permanent deletion

Purge a file completely and permanently from the blob store.

Track external data

Materialize external data as a file in Domino to benefit from the automatic tracking that Domino provides.

Tips for reproducibility in Domino

Tips for maximizing the power of the Domino Reproducibility Engine.