Domino 5.7.4 (October 2023)

Bug fixes

  • Apache Superset 1.x workspaces no longer redirect to invalid routes when being accessed.

  • Users can see raw files whose size is ⇐ 5 MB (com.cerebro.domino.frontend.defaultMaxFileSizeToRenderInBytes) when they click on the "View Latest Raw File" button in the code file browser, even if their S3 buckets don’t have CORS enabled.

Known issues

  • In Azure Blob Store deployments, projects with many files may fail to sync through the Domino CLI. To work around this issue, do not disable file locking when prompted by Domino.

  • You cannot view the latest raw file. In the navigation pane, go to Files and click a file to view its details. If you click View Latest Raw File, a blank page opens.

  • When uploading a large file to the Azure blob store by syncing a workspace, you may encounter a Java Out of Memory error from Azure if the file/blob already exists. To work around this issue, use the Domino CLI to upload the file to the project.

  • Model Monitoring Data Sources aren’t validated. If you enter an invalid bucket name and attempt to save, the entry will go through. However, you won’t be able to see metrics for that entry because the name points to an invalid bucket.

  • Domino instances that make use of Azure Blob Storage may experience stalled jobs within projects with many large files.

  • If you attach a Git repository to a DFS project that points to a tagged release, the tag won’t be honored when building a model API in that project. The build log will show an error similar to the following, and the model will be built using the default branch of your Git repository instead of the tagged branch:

    Jul 05 2023 14:36:27 -0500 #10 6.481 WARN [d.r.d.GitRepoUpdater] could not parse ref: v1.3.0 checking out default branch correlationId="iA2qWrYSLQ" thread="main"

    To work around this issue, use the branch name when building model APIs instead of the release tag.

  • If an admin resets a user’s password, it invalidates all the user’s authentication tokens, including tokens used for long-running tasks like Jobs, Workspaces, or Apps. The user must create a new password, log back into Domino, and restart all executions. This also applies to CLI authentication; the user must re-login to their Domino CLI.

  • In Domino 5.6, the cost analyzer pod (inactive unless Kubecost is enabled) defaults to a different storageClass compared to Domino 5.7. As a result, the pod won’t run after upgrading to 5.7, breaking Kubecost functionality. However, data will continue to persist in Prometheus (or custom storage if using Kubecost Enterprise).

    To prevent this issue while still in Domino 5.6, override the default storageClass gp2 with the one expected in 5.7, dominodisk, during Kubecost installation by setting release_overrides.cost-analyzer.chart_values.persistentVolume.storageClass to dominodisk in the agent yaml before installing Kubecost.

    If you’ve already installed Kubecost on Domino 5.6, avoid the upgrade error by setting release_overrides.cost-analyzer.chart_values.persistentVolume.storageClass to gp2 in the agent YAML configuration file before upgrading to 5.7.

  • The sample script for making asynchronous Model API requests contains an extra / at the end of the DOMINO_URL variable. As a result, running the script will show an error similar to the following.

    {'requestId': 'key not found: HandlerDef', 'errors': ['java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: HandlerDef']}

    To work around this issue, remove the trailing / at the end of the DOMINO_URL variable.

  • Links to Stack Trace and CPU Flame Graph from the Cluster tab in the Ray Cluster UI don’t work due to an upstream issue with Ray not supporting these links when hosted behind a reverse proxy. This issue is isolated to the Cluster tab, and these links work from other tabs in the same dashboard. This issue is tracked with Ray here and will likely be resolved in a future release of Ray.

  • App authors cannot pass their Domino username in the header for Apps. This issue has been fixed in Domino 5.8.0.

  • Deleting all R variables from memory using rm(list = ls(al = TRUE)) also deletes variables that Domino uses for internal processes. To safely delete variables, use rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)[!grepl("^.domino", ls(all = TRUE))]) instead."

  • When restarting a Workspace through the Update Settings modal, External Data Volumes are not mounted in the new Workspace. Follow the steps to mount External Data Volumes. This issue is fixed in Domino 5.9.0.

  • Downloading single files from Datasets will fail if the filename contains special characters, including + and &. As a workaround, remove the mentioned special characters by renaming the file. This issue is fixed in Domino 5.10.0.

  • Annonymous users cannot run launchers in GBP or view public GBP projects due to the git credentials migration to vault. This issue is fixed in Domino 5.9.1.

  • Spaces in ADLS filenames are not allowed when getting and putting objects in Azure Data Sources with DominoDataR. As a workaround, upgrade to DominoDataR version 0.2.4. This issue is fixed in Domino 5.10.0.

  • Viewing dataset files in an Azure-based Domino cluster may lock files, preventing them from being deleted or modified. Restarting Nucleus frontend pods will release the lock. This issue is fixed in Domino 5.11.1.

Upgrade notes

  • GKE users that provisioned their infrastructure with Domino’s terraform-gcp-gke module must apply the changes introduced for 5.7.0 as of terraform-gcp-gke v2.5.0 when upgrading to ensure firewall rules work properly.

  • VPN support from within executions was updated to be disabled by default. Support can be enabled by setting the global config value com.cerebro.domino.computegrid.executions.allowVpn = true.

  • MongoDB is no longer the authoritative source of truth for User Roles. Keycloak has taken over the role. User Groups in Keycloak now correspond to Domino Global Roles, and a user’s membership status in these groups defines their Domino roles. The Central Config key authentication.oidc.externalRolesEnabled has been retired and no longer has any effect. Any edits made to roles in MongoDB will be overridden by the data from Keycloak.

  • Domino CLI clients version 1.x (released in 2017 or earlier) are no longer supported. It is recommended to upgrade to Domino CLI version 6.0.