We’ve made targeted updates to enhance user experience and operational clarity. Specific changes include:
UI Updates: Dropdown menus now include new Quick Query options, column header names have been standardized, and timestamp formats in tables have been updated to
for clarity. -
Event Refinements: Removed the Get Data Source Metadata audit event. Added an audit event for Project Setting: Require Commit Message option.
Environment Definitions: When you edit an environment definition that is based on another environment and select a different base environment, the latest selection is now reflected in the environment overview page after you save the new definition.
Central Config setting: The Central Config setting
has been relaxed to allow setting it to 0. You can use this setting to ensure that models/results (files) aren’t accidentally sent out of your network as email attachments.
If you have Domino Governance enabled, users can publish a policy without any approvers defined if the policy is created from a policy template.
Resolved issues such as overlapping Domino chat icons with page navigation and dropdown menus unintentionally expanding.
When you create a Project template or use a template to create a Project, all tasks are copied over.
Project archiving now works correctly even if the feature flag for enabling Model Deployments is turned off.
Flows is only supported in Domino Cloud, AWS, and Azure. A future update will add support for Google Cloud and on-premises installs.
Use of
in a Flow may incorrectly use cached outputs when underlying code changes or other flow configuration settings are changed, particularly whenuse_latest=True
is set. Either manually setcache_version="X"
to a unique value forX
when this happens, discontinue the use ofuse_latest=True
or disable use of caching.
Some Flyte features are not yet available in Flows, such as dynamic workflows, eager workflows, and map_task.
When annotating a Domino Flows sub workflow’s outputs as a Flows Artifact, the artifacts will not be properly exposed in the Artifacts UI for that Flow.
In Azure Blob Store deployments, Projects with many files may fail to sync through the Domino CLI. To work around this issue, do not disable file locking when prompted by Domino.
You cannot view the latest raw file if you click View Latest Raw File. In the navigation pane, go to Files and click a file to view its details.
When uploading a large file to the Azure blob store by syncing a Workspace, you may encounter a Java Out of Memory error from Azure if the file/blob already exists. To work around this issue, use the Domino CLI to upload the file to the Project.
Model Monitoring data sources aren’t validated. If you enter an invalid bucket name and attempt to save, the entry will go through. However, you won’t be able to see metrics for that entry, because the name points to an invalid bucket.
Domino instances that make use of Azure Blob Storage may experience stalled Jobs within Projects with many large files.
While searching the gateway LLM endpoint name from the UI, all non-accessible endpoints are viewable.
If you attach a Git repository to a DFS Project that points to a tagged release, the tag won’t be honored when building a Domino endpoint in that Project. The build log will show an error similar to the following, and the model will be built using the default branch of your Git repository instead of the tagged branch:
Jul 05 2023 14:36:27 -0500 #10 6.481 WARN [d.r.d.GitRepoUpdater] could not parse ref: v1.3.0 checking out default branch correlationId="iA2qWrYSLQ" thread="main"
To work around this issue, use the branch name when building Domino endpoints instead of the release tag.
If an admin resets a user’s password, it invalidates all the user’s authentication tokens, including tokens used for long-running tasks like Jobs, Workspaces, or Apps. The user must create a new password, log back into Domino, and restart all executions. This also applies to CLI authentication; the user must re-login to their Domino CLI.
When attempting to view a file from code artifacts after syncing back from a Workspace, the Code artifact page loads with a SyntaxError message.
When re-running a job from its original version that is using a file from a dependent Git repository created off of a branch, the job will always take the latest version of the branch. It should take the same version as it was run with.
The following versions have been validated with Domino 6.0.2. Other versions might be compatible but are not guaranteed.
Kubernetes - see the Kubernetes compatibility chart
Ray - 2.36.0
Spark - 3.5.3
Dask - 2024.9.0
MPI - 4.1.4
See also the ddlctl and fleetcommand-agent Release Notes.