Use the Visibility setting to specify who can view your project.
In the Project, go to Settings > Access & Sharing.
Select the type of Visibility you want for your project:
- Public
Anyone with your project’s URL can view your files and runs even if they don’t have a Domino account.
If you enable file exports, anyone can import your project files.
Only collaborators can modify files, start runs, and import environment variables unless you select the allow runs by anonymous users check box.
If your project is visible to the public, you can select the Allow runs by anonymous users check box. This lets users start runs even if they don’t have a Domino account. Runs started by anonymous users show as started by the project owner.
CautionIt is dangerous to allow anyone to run your code. When allowing anonymous users to perform runs, consider the information that you are revealing such as environment variables in your project that contain bearer tokens, API keys, or passwords.
- Searchable
Anyone can see this project and see its name and description in search results, but only collaborators can see the project’s contents.
- Private
Only collaborators can find and view this project.
Only collaborators can find this project in search results or view this project.