This topic describes how to upgrade Kubernetes in your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Domino deployment. GKE is hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Immediately after the Kubernetes upgrade, you must upgrade Domino to a compatible version of Kubernetes. Domino will not work as expected until this is completed. For example, after upgrading Kubernetes to v1.22, you must upgrade to Domino v5.2 or later. Kubernetes v1.22 is not compatible with older versions of Domino. Similarly, after upgrading to Kubernetes 1.23 or 1.24, you must upgrade to Domino v5.3 or later. |
To upgrade Kubernetes in GKE, you must have a Unix or Linux terminal with the following:
gcloud CLI installed.
Kubectl installed.
Use environment variables to set the values of IDs, names, and labels. This simplifies the commands you’ll run while upgrading:
export CLUSTER_PROJECT=<The project name of the cluster>
export CLUSTER_NAME=<The name of the cluster>
export CLUSTER_REGION=<The region where the cluster is located>
If you aren’t already signed in with gcloud, run,
gcloud init
. -
To protect your current config file from being overwritten, run
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
. -
Get the remote
:gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --region $CLUSTER_REGION --project $CLUSTER_PROJECT
You must temporarily disable the PodDisruptionBudget
(PDB) for certain services.
To do this, back up the PDBs, delete the original PDBs, then update Kubernetes and restore the PDBs from the backup after the update is complete.
Backup the PDBs:
kubectl get pdb -n domino-platform -oyaml > pdb-backup.yaml
Delete the PDBs:
kubectl delete -f pdb-backup.yaml
Get available GKE versions
gcloud container get-server-config --region=${CLUSTER_REGION} --flatten="channels" --format="yaml(,channels.validVersions)"
Get current master version
gcloud container clusters describe ${CLUSTER_NAME} --region=${CLUSTER_REGION} --format="value(currentMasterVersion)"
| You can only upgrade by one minor version at a time. For example, if you are on version Kubernetes version 1.22, you can upgrade to version 1.23. |
Upgrade the control plane:
gcloud container clusters upgrade $CLUSTER_NAME --project $CLUSTER_PROJECT --master --region $CLUSTER_REGION --cluster-version <version-number>
NoteThe previous step might take several minutes to complete. Monitor the GCP console for the status of the cluster upgrade. -
Upgrade the node pools:
gcloud container clusters upgrade $CLUSTER_NAME --project $CLUSTER_PROJECT --region $CLUSTER_REGION --node-pool=platform gcloud container clusters upgrade $CLUSTER_NAME --project $CLUSTER_PROJECT --region $CLUSTER_REGION --node-pool=compute gcloud container clusters upgrade $CLUSTER_NAME --project $CLUSTER_PROJECT --region $CLUSTER_REGION --node-pool=gpu
Run these commands from the same folder as the backup:
kubectl apply -f pdb-backup.yaml