Hardware tiers for Data Planes

Hardware tiers are the primary way in which users interact with data planes. Each hardware tier is assigned to a data plane, and access granted to the hardware tier implies access granted to run workloads on that data plane, using the resources defined in the hardware tier.

Create a hardware tier for a Data Plane

The easiest way to create a hardware tier for a new data plane is to clone an existing hardware tier and change its data plane, as explained below.

  1. Go to Admin > Advanced > Hardware Tiers.

    Navigate to Hardware Tiers
  2. Next to an existing hardware tier, click Clone.

  3. In the new hardware tier configuration window, change the data plane in the new tier using the dropdown in the 4th form element.

    Make sure that the resources requested by the hardware tier are available on the nodes in the data plane it is using.

    Cloning a “small” hardware tier is an easy way to test.
  4. Make sure that:

    • The nodes you wish to use for compute in your data plane are labeled with dominodatalab.com/node-pool.

    • The node pool value matches the node pool specified in the hardware tier.

Restrict access to a Data Plane’s hardware tier

In order to restrict access to a hardware tier (and therefore a data plane):

  1. Go to Admin > Advanced > Hardware Tiers.

  2. Next to an existing hardware tier, click Edit.

  3. Uncheck Is Globally Available at the bottom of the form.

  4. Navigate to the Hardware Tiers tab on the organization’s page and check the box next to the restricted hardware tier.

    Restrict access to a Hardware Tier