Data Analyst role

The Data Analyst role is designed for users who have some technical background and coding experience in Python and R. Users in the Data Analyst role don’t have access to Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) capabilities like Model APIs, model monitoring, exports, or expensive compute capabilities such as GPU processing.

A Data Analyst user has the privileges of the Practitioner role, except that they cannot:

  • Use model-related features

  • Edit the hardware tier

  • Edit or manage Environment definitions

Learn how to enable the Data Analyst role, assign users to the role, and monitor their activities.

Enable the Data Analyst role

  1. Log in as an administrator.

  2. Go to Admin > Advanced > Central Config > Click Add Record.

  3. Create a new config option com.cerebro.domino.dataAnalyst.enabled and set it to true.

    Create the config option to enable Data Analyst role

Select the hardware tier that Domino assigns to all Data Analyst executions:

  1. Restart the Domino services to apply the new setting.

  2. Go to Admin > Advanced > Hardware Tiers.

  3. Next to the hardware tier you want to use for Data Analysts, click Edit and select the Is Tier for Data Analysts checkbox.

  4. Click Update.

Assign the Data Analyst role

After you enable the Data Analyst role, Keycloak will have a data-analyst-user role in the domino-play client. Use either of the following methods to set up a Keycloak client role.

Manually assign the user role

Manually assign a single user the Data Analyst role:

  1. Log in to Keycloak.

  2. Go to DominoRealm > Users > Click the user ID > Role Mappings.

  3. In the Client Roles list, select domino-play.

  4. In the Assigned Roles list, select data-analyst-user and click Add Selected.

    Assign a user to the Data Analyst role in Keycloak

  5. Click Assign role.

  6. Select Filter by clients and change the filter to Filter by realm roles.

  7. Select the data-analyst-user > Assign.

    Assign a user to the Data Analyst role in Keycloak

Use Keycloak groups to assign the role

Assign all members of a Keycloak group to the Data Analyst role.

Regardless of your authentication framework, you must propagate the data-analyst-user role in the domino-play client and the Practitioner Domino global role. The following steps use the SAML/LDAP authentication method:

  1. Log in to Keycloak and go to DominoRealm.

  2. Click Groups and create a new group, such as data-analyst-group.

  3. In the new group, click Role Mappings.

  4. In the Client Roles list, select domino-play.

  5. In the Assigned Roles list, select the data-analyst-user role and click Add selected.

    Use Keycloak groups to assign the Data Analyst role

Add users to the Keycloak group:

  1. Go to DominoRealm > Users and find the user you want to add.

  2. Click the user ID > Groups.

  3. In Available Groups, select your Data Analyst group name, such as data-analyst-group, and click Join.

    Use Keycloak groups to assign the Data Analyst role

Monitor Data Analysts

View user activity reports to view user information and activity.

After you enable the Data Analyst role, the Users page displays a License column with the following values:

  • DataScienceProfessional (standard Domino license)

  • DataAnalyst (the new Data Analyst license)

  • LiteUser (a legacy role)