Dataset upgrade prior to 4.5

Domino 4.5+ brings several improvements to datasets. If you just upgraded from a version prior to Domino 4.5, the following information might be of particular interest.

Summary of changes

  • Datasets are now always read/write and reflect the latest version of the files. You can freely manipulate the contents of a dataset from Domino Workpaces, Jobs, Apps, and Launchers.

  • You can optionally create Read Only snapshots associated with a dataset. This is now an explicit action.

  • Datasets and associated Snapshots are automatically mounted for Domino executions. domino.yaml has been deprecated, and you no longer need to use it for dataset and snapshot mounting.

  • Scratch spaces, which were previously meant for convenient read/write iterations are also deprecated and are replaced with a new default per project dataset.

Migration considerations

While the above improvements are significant, any datasets and snapshots created with a prior version of Domino will be migrated seamlessly according to the following rules:

  • Datasets that did not have any snapshots previously will automatically become read/write.

  • Datasets with one or more snapshots will have the most recent snapshot promoted to a dataset and will automatically become read/write.

  • domino.yaml in existing projects will be ignored and datasets and snapshots will be mounted in executions based on the mounting rules described previously.


    Code that relied on domino.yaml to mount snapshots at particular paths might need to be adjusted to use paths based on the new automatic mounting rules.

  • Scratch spaces with data in them will be promoted to a dataset. The Domino username of the user who owned the scratch space will be used as the name of the dataset. Scratch spaces that are empty at the time of upgrade will not be migrated.

  • A new dataset with the same name as the project will be automatically created.


    In previous versions of Domino, when a user started their first Workspace in a project, the size of their Scratch Space would not be updated until the workspace was stopped at least once. As a result, such a Scratch Space might not be moved over. If you believe that this might affect your user base, ask users to stop any workspaces prior to the upgrade.