fleetcommand-agent Release Notes

fleetcommand-agent 5.11.1.catalog-55ee23e (August 2024)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:5.11.1.catalog-55ee23e

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.11.1.

fleetcommand-agent 5.11.0.catalog-454f53d (July 2024)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:5.11.0.catalog-454f53d

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.11.0.

  • Split catalog releases into "core" and "extended".

  • Added configured-releases command.

  • Added the following options to the config:

  • audit_trail

  • extended_catalog

  • fips

  • flyte

  • grafana_alerts

  • ingress_controller.allowed_cidrs

  • istio.permissive

  • monitoring.gpu_metrics

  • monitoring.newrelic.managed_controlplane

fleetcommand-agent 5.10.1.catalog-b1ce370 (May 2024)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:5.10.1.catalog-b1ce370

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.10.1.

fleetcommand-agent 5.10.0.catalog-0cbbe52 (March 2024)

Please note that starting with this release, the versioning has changed.

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:5.10.0.catalog-0cbbe52

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.10.0.

fleetcommand-agent v66.3 (June 2024)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v66.3

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.9.3.

fleetcommand-agent v66.2 (March 2024)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v66.2

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.9.2.

fleetcommand-agent v66.1 (January 2024)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v66.1

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.9.1.

fleetcommand-agent v66 (December 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v66

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.9.0.

  • Improvements to Prometheus scraping of Keycloak metrics data.

Known issues:

  • Redis has compatibility issues with Docker versions 20.10.9 and earlier. Please upgrade to 20.10.24 or higher if using Docker.

fleetcommand-agent v65 (November 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v65

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.8.0.

  • The istiod release (istio discovery) no longer supports the ENABLE_LEGACY_FSGROUP_INJECTION environment variable. It is recommended to remove the chart value override within the pilot.env mapping.

  • Updated DNS detection and reconciliation.

fleetcommand-agent v64.4 (October 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v64.4

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.7.4.

fleetcommand-agent v64.3 (October 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v64.3

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.7.3.

  • Bumps tf-aws-eks to 2.2.2.

fleetcommand-agent v64.2 (September 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v64.2

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.7.2.

fleetcommand-agent v64.1 (August 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v64.1

Installation bundles


  • Supports a fix for the role synchronization logic that caused a customer’s Domino role memberships to be overwritten or removed during SSO sign-in.

fleetcommand-agent v64 (August 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v64

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for the MLflow proxy to support tokens that contain OAuth scopes applicable to all entities.

fleetcommand-agent v63.2 (August 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v63.2

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.6.2.

fleetcommand-agent v62.2 (August 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v62.2

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.5.4.

fleetcommand-agent v63.1 (June 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v63.1

Installation bundles


  • Continuity of executions maintained during upgrades.

  • Backup fixes for Azure; back up custom certificate configs.

fleetcommand-agent v62.1 (June 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v62.1

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.5.3.

  • Supports configuring the NGINX charts extraArgs parameter. The ports are configured by default.

fleetcommand-agent v63 (May 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v63

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.6.0.

  • Support for Openshift 4.12. The Installer sets global permissions on cephfs.

  • Kubecost is Accessible via Kubernetes secret.

  • fleetcommand_agent run -s supports comma and space-separated arguments.

fleetcommand-agent v62 (April 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v62

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.5.2.

  • CDK updated for new S3 security defaults (disabled ACLs).

  • The fleetcommand-agent config lint command now works as expected, resolving a known issue in v60 and v61.

fleetcommand-agent v61 (March 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v61

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.5.1.

Known Issues

  • The fleetcommand-agent config lint command does not work. This issue is resolved in v62.

fleetcommand-agent v60.1 (March 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v60.1

Installation bundles


  • Updated references to 5.5.0 artifacts to incorporate critical patch.

  • Support for Domino 5.5.0.

  • Configuration schema is now 1.3.

  • Importer is now accessed as just importer rather than /app/importer, as the docker image now installs it into /usr/local/bin.

Known Issues

  • The fleetcommand-agent config lint command does not work. This issue is resolved in v62.

fleetcommand-agent v60 (March 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v60


  • Primary Mongo instance upgraded to 4.4. Note that Mongo can only be upgraded one version at a time (ie Mongo 3.6 → 4.0 → 4.2 → 4.4). Ensure that the mongodb-replicaset chart release is using Mongo 4.2 before attempting an upgrade, or perform an intermediate upgrade to a Domino 5.3.0 or higher, which uses Mongo 4.2.

  • This was the initial fleetcommand-agent for the 5.5.0, but has been superseded by v60.1.

Known Issues

  • The fleetcommand-agent config lint command does not work. This issue is resolved in v62.

fleetcommand-agent v59.2 (February 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v59.2

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.4.1.

  • Update installation config email validation to support upgrades of older Domino versions.

  • Mongo upgrade version check was incorrect for Domino 5.4.1.

fleetcommand-agent v59.1 (January 2023)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v59.1

Installation bundles


  • Minor updates to catalog images.

Known Issues

  • This version contains an incorrectly configured check for the Mongo version. It’s checking for Mongo 4.4 when it should be checking for Mongo 4.2. Please use fleetcommand-agent v59.2 or later.

fleetcommand-agent v59 (December 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v59

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.4.0.

  • Shoreline agent can be installed for incident monitoring.

  • Compatibility for Kubernetes’s deprecation of PodSecurityPolicy.

  • Some functions of nucleus-dispatcher are split out into their own pods: nucleus-train and nucleus-workspace-volume-snapshot-cleaner.

  • Remove legacy Azure File support, only use the current CSI driver.

  • Force HSTS headers to always be on when using SSL. Previously relied on nginx-ingress to auto-detect, which could fail with certain load balancer configurations.

  • Support for cephfs and ceph-rdb storage types.

  • Projects blob store can use Azure Containers.

  • Support to upgrade from old 4.x releases using MongoDB 3.4.

Known Issues

  • This version contains an incorrectly configured check for the Mongo version. It’s checking for Mongo 4.4 when it should be checking for Mongo 4.2. Can be bypassed with the --warn-only flag. Please use fleetcommand-agent v59.2 or later.

fleetcommand-agent v58.1 (December 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v58.1

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.3.2.

  • Migrating S3 configuration from a 1.0 config will preserve the sse_kms_key_id value.

  • When generating a configuration for AWS, the Metrics Server is enabled by default.

fleetcommand-agent v58 (October 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v58

Installation bundles


  • Support for Domino 5.3.1.

  • Vault is properly configured for service account token renewal when upgrading from Domino 5.3.0 and earlier.

  • AWS/CDK provisioning updates with a large number of node groups works.

  • Image overrides now use the registry specified in the override, rather than a globally configured image registry.

  • NVIDIA charts are now installed into the platform namespace rather than kube-system.

fleetcommand-agent v57.1 (September 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v57.1

Installation bundles


These changes resolve issues in the v57 installer:

  • Data sources are shown in the Domino application after an upgrade to 5.3.0.

  • Domino stores execution logs in the correct locations.

  • Domino runs the --dry option during the post-helmfile portion of the installation process.

fleetcommand-agent v57 (September 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v57

Installation bundles


Major release adding support for Domino 5.3.0, better install configuration validation and upgrades, and a new install engine backed on existing open-source tools. See Installation Changes for all process changes.

New installer configurations

Many fields have been modified or moved from installer v56 to v57. Most fields will be properly handled by the automated schema updates during upgrades done with v57. Take note of the added or modified fields described below.

Release, chart, and image overrides

The existing services and system_images fields have been replaced by three new fields:

  • release_overrides which will override chart-specific values based on their Helm release name. For example, to override nginx-ingress values:

      myCustom: value
  • chart_overrides which allow chart-version overrides based on the Helm chart name. For example, to override the nginx-ingress chart version:

    version: "1.2.3"
  • image_overrides which allows image overrides. For example, to override the nginx-ingress image tag:

  nginx_ingress: "quay.io/domino/ingress-nginx.controller:v1.2.3"

Whether or not individual services are installed can now be managed in release_overrides:

    installed: false

Image building cloud authentication and builder resources

Image building cloud authentication and builder resources can now be modified as part of the official configuration:

    # Add Azure credentials required to access ACR
      tenant_id: <tenant-id>
      client_id: <client-id>
      client_secret: <client-secret>
    # Reference the GCP service account that has rights to GCR
      service_account: "<cluster-name>-gcr@<project-name>.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
    # Default configuration
      cpu: "4"
      memory: "15Gi"
    # Add limits if/when they make sense but be careful not to over-throttle nor OOMKill the build pods
      cpu: "4"
      memory: "15Gi"

Please remove any Helm release overrides that were previously used in Domino ⇐ 5.2.x as chart values are subject to change.

SMB CSI driver disabled by default

Due to security concerns with the increased permissions required by CSI drivers, the SMB driver has been made opt-in for Domino 5.3.0. Enable it with the following configuration:

    installed: true
  • Primary Mongo instance upgraded to 4.2. Note that Mongo can only be upgraded one version at a time (ie Mongo 3.6 → 4.0 → 4.2). Ensure that the mongodb-replicaset chart release is using Mongo 4.0 before attempting an upgrade, or perform an intermediate upgrade to a Domino 4.4.2 or higher, which uses Mongo 4.0.

fleetcommand-agent v56.2 (October 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v56.2

Installation bundles


This release fixes an issue in the v56.1 installer that prevented Domino from using all the Docker registries when multiple registries were configured with domino-quay-repos during the install process.

fleetcommand-agent v56.1 (September 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v56.1

Installation bundles


  • Update image references for 5.2.2.

  • Updated Domino CDK version to v0.0.5 to fix deployment IAM permissions.

  • Security: OS package updates in deployment images.

fleetcommand-agent v56 (July 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v56

Installation bundles


  • Update ImageBuilder v3 to better handle offline or custom registry installation scenarios.

  • Update image references for 5.2.1.

fleetcommand-agent v55 (July 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v55

Installation bundles


  • Added support for Domino versions 5.2.0.

  • Added the access-manager service.

  • Updated the default Helm version to v3.8.0. Older versions are still supported.

  • Dispatcher and Frontend pod resources, requests, and limits can now be set separately.

New installer configuration fields

The fleetcommand-agent installer configuration has new fields that support the new image builder Hephaestus that replaces Forge. Use these keys to configure the new image builder:

  verbose: false
  rootless: false
  concurrency: 10
  cache_storage_size: 500Gi
  cache_storage_retention: 375000000000
  builder_node_selector: {}
rootless must be set to false.

fleetcommand-agent v54.1 (July 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v54.1

Installation bundles


  • Added support for Domino 5.1.4.

fleetcommand-agent v54 (May 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v54

Installation bundles


  • Added support for Domino 5.1.3.

Handle invalid environment revisions

In recent versions of Domino, Mongo records can have a Docker image or a base environment revision but not both. In older deployments, both items could coexist. These older deployments when updated to later Domino versions cannot de-serialize. This fix uses both if they are present.

Resolve Vault and Kubernetes 1.21 issue

In prior versions of Domino, there were Vault failure issues with Kubernetes 1.2.1. This issue is resolved in the 5.1.3 release.

fleetcommand-agent v53 (April 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v53

Installation bundles


  • Added support for Domino 5.1.2.

fleetcommand-agent v52 (March 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v52

Installation bundles


  • Added support for Domino 5.1.1.

fleetcommand-agent v51 (March 2022)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v51

Installation bundles


  • Added support for Domino 5.1.0.

  • Added support for custom certificate management.

Internal Registry allowed CIDRs

To allow multiple, external whitelisted CIDR ranges access to the internal container image registry, a new field has been added to augment the existing pod_cidr configurable:


By default, the allowed CIDRs will be, which means that all network access will be whitelisted. However, the internal container registry is still secured by both TLS and basic authentication. Limiting the network access is recommended, but not required.

Custom certificate management

This release adds support for custom certificates. See Custom Certificates for more information on how to manage and configure custom certificates and authorities.

Pod CIDR, network policy handling changes

Since added in the initial 4.x versions of Domino, the pod_cidr configurable field has served to limit network access for both the internal container image registry as well as main application ingress. In Domino 5.1.0, we’ve worked to limit the need for this field to be configured in the vast majority of situations.

Specifically, if ingress is handled by the Domino nginx-ingress-controller and is configured to be deployed not using the hostNetwork, then the pod_cidr field no longer needs to be configured to allow the correct network access for application pods (such as nucleus or web-ui).

If, however nginx-ingress-controller is still deployed using the hostNetwork option, then the pod_cidr configurable must be set correctly to properly allow network traffic to flow without limitation.

The new internal container registry allowed_cidrs configurable described previously can be used to allow network access to the registry independent of the pod_cidr option.

In short, the following configuration is valid:

pod_cidr: ""
        kind: Deployment
        hostNetwork: false

The following is invalid:

pod_cidr: ""
        hostNetwork: true

If unset, hostNetwork still defaults to true for backward compatibility reasons.

Model monitor service renaming

Multiple, stateless model monitor services with generic names have been renamed to include a prefix of dmm-. This requires the removal of the previous Helm release and the installation of a new one.

Known Issues

Istio upgrade handling has been revamped to ensure that all pods in the cluster will be correctly recreated. Domino 5.1.0 includes a minor change to Istio configuration (placement of the control plane pod is now in the platform pool) which will recreate all Domino pods to ensure they pick up the correct configuration.

fleetcommand-agent v50 (January 2022)


  • Added support for Domino 5.0.1.

fleetcommand-agent v48.2 (March 2022)

Installation bundles


  • Added support for Domino 4.6.4.

fleetcommand-agent v48.1 (November 2021)


  • Added support for Domino 4.6.3.

fleetcommand-agent v49 (December 2021)


  • Added support for Domino 5.0.0.

fleetcommand-agent v48 (November 2021)


  • Added support for Domino 4.6.2.

fleetcommand-agent v47 (October 2021)


  • Added support for Domino 4.6.1.

fleetcommand-agent v46 (August 2021)


  • Added support for Domino 4.6.0.

  • Added support for containerd runtimes in Azure AKS and Google GKE.

  • Added support for Azure ACR image registries.

  • Added support for configuring shared volume capacity (Defaulting to 5Ti).

  • Added support for encrypted Spark support through distributed-compute-operator.

  • Update installation bundle location and include monitoring and operational tooling.

fleetcommand-agent v45 (August 2021)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v45

Installation bundles

fleetcommand-agent v43 (July 2021)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v43

Installation bundles


  • Added support for Domino 4.5.1.

  • Previously, install timeouts for many charts were hardcoded to 5 minutes and not configurable. Some, like daemonsets or charts with particularly long bootstrap times, had longer hardcoded timeouts. Now, individual chart timeouts can be controlled in the service stanza when using the "full" configuration:

        version: 1.30.0-0.5.0
        install_timeout: 900  # seconds
        chart_values: {}

    In addition, the daemonset_timeout option has been removed.

      daemonset_timeout: 0  # no longer used

fleetcommand-agent v41 (June 2021)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v41

Installation bundles


  • Added support for Domino 4.5.0.

  • There is a new configuration option in the agent YAML. By default, traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeInboundPorts annotations are added to the NGINX ingress controller to exclude enforcement of mTLS for traffic that is routed from the load balancer backend. When mTLS is required for NGINX, such as when the ingress controller is behind an Istio gateway, the nginx_annotations setting can be changed to false. This setting only applies when Istio is enabled.

      nginx_annotations: true

fleetcommand-agent v39 (May 2021)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v39

Installation bundles


  • Updates workspace configs to fix Spark UI access issues with managed spark clusters.

  • Release is otherwise identical to v38.

fleetcommand-agent v38 (May 2021)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v38

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.4.2.

  • Included in Domino 4.4.2 is opt-in support for FUSE volume usage in the compute grid. This feature currently requires configuration changes at installation or upgrade time due to the potential security implications. To enable FUSE volume support for compute grid executions, set the following:

          enableFuseVolumeSupport: true
  • A new configuration has been added in preparation for future feature development. These fields are a required part of the v38 schema but currently have no effect.

      enabled: true

fleetcommand-agent v37 (March 2021)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v37

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.4.1.

  • The teleport section of the agent configuration has been deprecated in favor of the new teleport_kube_agent section.

fleetcommand-agent v34 (February 2021)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v34

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.4.0.

fleetcommand-agent v33 (February 2021)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v33

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.4.0.

  • New configuration options have been added for the new Teleport Kubernetes agent:

    If a deployment currently has teleport.enabled and teleport.remote_access set to true, they must be disabled and teleport_kube_agent.enabled must be set instead.

      enabled: false
      proxyAddr: teleport.domino.tech:443
      authToken: eeceeV4sohh8eew0Oa1aexoTahm3Eiha
  • Domino 4.4.0 includes support for restartable workspace disaster recovery in AWS leveraging EBS snapshots. To support this functionality, existing installations might require additional IAM permissions for platform node pool instances.

    The permissions required, without any resource restriction (that is, ), are the following: ec2:CreateSnapshot ec2:CreateTags ec2:DeleteSnapshot ec2:DeleteTags ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones ec2:DescribeSnapshots * ec2:DescribeTags

Known Issues

  • If upgrading from Helm 2 to Helm 3, please read the release notes from v22 for caveats and known issues.

fleetcommand-agent v32 (December 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v32

Installation bundles


  • Fixes a memory leak in the EFS CSI driver.

fleetcommand-agent v31 (December 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v31

Installation bundles


  • Updates to the latest build of 4.3.3.

fleetcommand-agent v30 (December 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v30

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.3.3.

  • The agent now supports installing Istio 1.7 (set istio.install to true), and installing Domino in Istio-compatible mode (set istio.enabled to true).

      enabled: false
      install: false
      cni: true
      namespace: istio-system
  • The EFS storage provider for new installs has changed from efs-provisioner to the EFS CSI driver, to support encryption in transit to EFS. For existing installs, this does not require any changes unless encryption in transit is desired. If a migration to encrypted EFS is necessary, please contact Domino support.

    One limitation of the new driver, compared to the previous, is an inability to dynamically create directories according to provisioned volumes. Support for pre-provisioned directories in AWS is done through access points, which must be created before Domino can be installed.

    To specify the access point at install time, ensure the filesystem_id is set in the format {EFS ID}::{AP ID}:

          filesystem_id: 'fs-285b532d::fsap-00cb72ba8ca35a121'
  • Two new fields were added in order to simplify DaemonSet management during upgrades for particularly large clusters. DaemonSets do not have configuration options for upgrades and pods will be replaced one-by-one. For large compute node pools, this can take a significant amount of time.

      skip_daemonset_validation: false
      daemonset_timeout: 300

    Setting helm.skip_daemonset_validation to true will bypass post-upgrade validation that all pods have been successfully recreated. helm.daemonset_timeout is an integer representing the number of seconds to wait for all daemon pods in a DaemonSet to be recreated.

  • 4.3.3 introduces limited availability of the new containerized Domino image builder: Forge. Forge can be enabled with the ImageBuilderV2 feature flag, although Domino services must be restarted to cause this flag to take effect. Running Domino image builds in a cluster that uses a non-Docker container runtime, such as cri-o or containerd, requires that the feature flag be enabled.

    To support the default rootless mode that Forge is configured to use, the worker nodes must support unprivileged mounts, user namespaces, and overlayfs (either natively or through FUSE). Currently, GKE and EKS do not support user namespace remapping and require the following extra configuration to properly use Forge.

            fullPrivilege: true

fleetcommand-agent v29 (November 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v29

Installation bundles


  • Updated Keycloak migration job version.

fleetcommand-agent v28 (November 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v28

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.3.2.

  • Adds support for encrypted EFS access by using the EFS CSI driver.

  • A new istio field has been added to the domino.yml schema for testing and development of future releases. Domino 4.3.2 does not support Istio and therefore you must set enabled in this new section to false.

      enabled: false
      install: false
      cni: true
      namespace: istio-system
  • New fields to specify static AWS access key and secret key credentials have been added. These are currently unused and can be left unset.

          access_key_id: ''
          secret_access_key: ''
  • A new field for Teleport remote access integration has been added. This is currently unused and must be set to false.

      remote_access: false

fleetcommand-agent v27 (October 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v27

Installation bundles


  • Fix a bug where dry-run installation can cause internal credentials to be improperly rotated.

fleetcommand-agent v26 (October 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v26

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.3.1.

  • Adds support for running Domino on OpenShift 4.4+.

  • A new field has been added to the installer configuration that controls whether or not the image caching service is deployed.

      enabled: true
  • A new field has been added to the installer configuration that specifies the Kubernetes distribution for resource compatibility. The available options are cncf (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) and openshift.

    kubernetes_distribution: cncf

fleetcommand-agent v25 (August 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v25

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.3.0.

  • A new cache_path field has been added to the helm configuration section. Leaving this field blank will ensure charts are fetched from an upstream repository.

      cache_path: ''
  • To facilitate the deployment of Domino into clusters with other tenants, a new global node selector field has been added to the top-level configuration that allows an arbitrary label to be used for scheduling all Domino workloads. Its primary purpose is to limit workloads such as DaemonSets that would be scheduled on all available nodes in the cluster to only nodes with the provided label. This can override default node pool selectors such as dominodatalab.com/node-pool: "platform", but does not replace them.

      domino-owned: "true"
  • To facilitate deployment of Domino into clusters with other tenants, a configurable Ingress class has been added to allow differentiation from other ingress providers in a cluster. If multiple Ingress objects are created with the default class, it’s possible for other tenants' paths to interfere with Domino and vice versa. Generally, this setting does not have to change, but can be set to any arbitrary string value (such as domino).

      class_name: nginx

fleetcommand-agent v24 (July 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v24

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.2.3 and 4.2.4.

fleetcommand-agent v23 (May 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v23

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.2.2.

  • The known issue with v22 around Domino Apps being stopped after an upgrade has been resolved. Apps will now automatically restart after an upgrade.

  • The known issue with Elasticsearch not upgrading until manually restarted has been resolved. Elasticsearch will automatically cycle through a rolling upgrade when the deployment is upgraded.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the fleetcommand-agent.

  • Adds support for autodiscovery of scaling resources by the cluster autoscaler.

    Two new fields have been added under the autoscaler.auto_discovery key:

        cluster_name: domino
        tags: [] # optional. if filled in, cluster_name is ignored.

    By default, if no autoscaler.groups or autoscaler.auto_discovery.tags are specified, the cluster_name will be used to look for the following AWS tags:

    • k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/enabled

    • k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/{{ cluster_name }}

      The tags parameter can be used to explicitly specify which resource tags the autoscaler service must look for. Auto scaling groups with matching tags will have their scaling properties detected and the autoscaler will be configured to scale them.

      The IAM role for the platform nodes where the autoscaler is running still needs an autoscaling access policy that will allow it to read and scale the groups.

      When upgrading from an install that uses specific groups, ensure that auto_discovery.cluster_name is an empty value.

Known Issues:

  • If you’re upgrading from fleetcommand-agent v21 or older, be sure to read the v22 release notes and implement the Helm configuration changes.

  • An incompatibility between how nginx-ingress was initially installed and must be maintained going forward means that action is required for both Helm 2 and Helm 3 upgrades.

    For Helm 2 upgrades, add the following services object to your domino.yml to ensure compatibility:

                clusterIP: "-"
              clusterIP: "-"

    For Helm 3, there are two options. If nginx-ingress has not been configured to provide a cloud-native load balancer that is tied to the hosting DNS entry, then nginx-ingress can be safely uninstalled prior to the upgrade. If, however, the load balancer address must be maintained across the upgrade, then the initial upgrade after the Helm 3 migration will fail. Before retrying the upgrade, execute the following commands.

    export NAME=nginx-ingress
    export SECRET=$(kubectl get secret -l owner=helm,status=deployed,name=$NAME -n domino-platform | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME)
    kubectl get secret -n domino-platform $SECRET -oyaml | sed "s/release:.*/release: $(kubectl get secret -n domino-platform $SECRET -ogo-template="{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}" | gzip -d - | sed 's/clusterIP: ""//g' | gzip | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0)/" | kubectl replace -f -
    kubectl get secret -n domino-platform $SECRET -oyaml | sed "s/release:.*/release: $(kubectl get secret -n domino-platform $SECRET -ogo-template="{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}" | gzip -d - | sed 's/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/g' | gzip | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0)/" | kubectl replace -f -

fleetcommand-agent v22 (May 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v22

Installation bundles


  • Adds support for Domino 4.2.

  • Adds support for Helm 3.

    The helm object in the installer configuration has been restructured to accommodate Helm 3 support. There is now a helm.version property which can be set to 2 or 3. When using Helm 2, the configuration must be similar to the below example. The username and password will continue to be standard Quay.io credentials provided by Domino.

      version: 2
      host: quay.io
      namespace: domino
      prefix: helm- # Prefix for the chart repository, defaults to `helm-`
      username: "<username>"
      password: "<password>"
      tiller_image: gcr.io/kubernetes-helm/tiller:v2.16.1 # Version is required and MUST be 2.16.1
      insecure: false

    When using Helm 3, configure the object as shown below. Helm 3 is a major release of the underlying tool that powers the installation of Domino’s services. Helm 3 removes the Tiller service, which was the server-side component of Helm 2. This improves the security posture of Domino installation by reducing the scope and complexity of the required RBAC permissions, and it enables namespace isolation of services. Additionally, Helm 3 adds support for storing charts in OCI registries.

    Currently, only gcr.io and mirrors.domino.tech are supported as chart repositories. If you are switching to Helm 3, you must contact Domino for gcr.io credentials. When using Helm 3, the helm configuration object should be similar to the below example.

      version: 3
      host: gcr.io
      namespace: domino-eng-service-artifacts
      insecure: false
      username: _json_key  # To support GCR authentication, this must be "_json_key"
      password: "<password>"
      tiller_image: null # Not required for Helm 3
      prefix: '' # Charts are stored without a prefix by default

    Migration of an existing Helm 2 installation to Helm 3 is done seamlessly within the installer. Once successful, Tiller will be removed from the cluster and all Helm 2 configurations are deleted.

Known Issues:

  • Elasticsearch is currently configured to only upgrade when the pods are deleted. To properly upgrade an existing deployment from Elasticsearch 6.5 to 6.8, after running the installer use the rolling upgrade process. This involves first deleting the elasticsearch-data pods, then the elasticsearch-master pods. See the example procedure below.

    kubectl delete pods --namespace domino-platform elasticsearch-data-0 elasticsearch-data-1 --force=true --grace-period=0
    # Wait for elasticsearch-data-0 & elasticsearch-data-1 to come back online
    kubectl delete pods --namespace domino-platform elasticsearch-master-0 elasticsearch-master-1 elasticsearch-master-2
  • An incompatibility between how nginx-ingress was initially installed and should be maintained going forward means that action is required for both Helm 2 and Helm 3 upgrades.

    For Helm 2 upgrades, add the following services object to your domino.yml to ensure compatibility:

                clusterIP: "-"
              clusterIP: "-"

    For Helm 3, there are two options. If nginx-ingress has not been configured to provide a cloud-native load balancer that is tied to the hosting DNS entry, then nginx-ingress can be safely uninstalled prior to the upgrade. If, however, the load balancer address must be maintained across the upgrade, then the initial upgrade after the Helm 3 migration will fail. Before retrying the upgrade, execute the following commands.

    export NAME=nginx-ingress
    export SECRET=$(kubectl get secret -l owner=helm,status=deployed,name=$NAME -n domino-platform | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME)
    kubectl get secret -n domino-platform $SECRET -oyaml | sed "s/release:.*/release: $(kubectl get secret -n domino-platform $SECRET -ogo-template="{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}" | gzip -d - | sed 's/clusterIP: ""//g' | gzip | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0)/" | kubectl replace -f -
    kubectl get secret -n domino-platform $SECRET -oyaml | sed "s/release:.*/release: $(kubectl get secret -n domino-platform $SECRET -ogo-template="{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}" | gzip -d - | sed 's/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/g' | gzip | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0)/" | kubectl replace -f -
  • Domino Apps do not currently support a live upgrade from version 4.1 to version 4.2. After the upgrade, all Apps will be stopped.

    To restart them, you can use the /v4/modelProducts/restartAll endpoint like in the below example, providing an API key for a system administrator.

    curl -X POST --include --header "X-Domino-Api-Key: <admin-api-key>" 'https://<domino-url>/v4/modelProducts/restartAll'

fleetcommand-agent v21 (May 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v21


  • Adds support for Domino 4.1.10.

Known issues:

  • The deployed version 8.0.1 of Keycloak has an incorrect default First Broker Login authentication flow.

    When setting up an SSO integration, you must create a new authentication flow like the one below. The Automatically Link Account step is a custom flow, and the Create User if Unique and Automatically Set Existing User executions must be nested under it by adding them with the Actions link.

    Keycloak new authentication

fleetcommand-agent v20 (March 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v20


  • Support for 4.1.9 has been updated to reflect a new set of artifacts.

Known issues:

  • The deployed version 8.0.1 of Keycloak has an incorrect default First Broker Login authentication flow.

    When setting up an SSO integration, you must create a new authentication flow like the one below. The Automatically Link Account step is a custom flow, and the Create User if Unique and Automatically Set Existing User executions must be nested under it by adding them with the Actions link.

    Keycloak new authentication

fleetcommand-agent v19 (March 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v19


  • Added catalogs for Domino up to 4.1.9.

  • Added support for Docker NO_PROXY configuration. Domino containers will now respect the configuration and connect to the specified hosts without proxy.

Known issues:

  • The deployed version 8.0.1 of Keycloak has an incorrect default First Broker Login authentication flow.

    When setting up an SSO integration, you must create a new authentication flow like the one below. The Automatically Link Account step is a custom flow, and the Create User if Unique and Automatically Set Existing User executions must be nested under it by adding them with the Actions link.

    Keycloak new authentication

fleetcommand-agent v18 (March 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v18


The following new fields have been added to the fleetcommand-agent installer configuration.

  1. Storage class access modes

    The storage_class options have a new field called access_modes that allows configuration of the underlying storage class' allowed access modes.

        - ReadWriteOnce
  2. Git service storage class

    Previously, the deployed Domino Git service used storage backed by the shared storage class. Now, the dominodisk block storage class will be used by default. If using custom storage classes, set this to the name of the block storage class. For existing Domino installations, you must set this to dominoshared.

    For new installs:

      storage_class: dominodisk

    For existing installations and upgrades:

      storage_class: dominoshared
            size: 5Ti

fleetcommand-agent v17 (March 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v17


  • Added catalogs for Domino up to 4.1.8.

fleetcommand-agent v16 (February 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v16


  • Added catalogs for Domino up to 4.1.7.

  • Calico CNI is now installed by default for EKS deployments.

  • AWS Metadata API is blocked by default for Domino version >= 4.1.5.

  • Added Private registry support in the Installer.

  • New Install configuration attributes (see the reference documentation for more details):

    • sse_kms_key_id option for Blob storage.

    • gcs option for Google Cloud Storage.

    • Namespaces now support optional labels to apply labels during installation.

    • teleport for Domino-managed installations only.

fleetcommand-agent v15 (January 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v15


  • Added catalog for Domino 4.1.4.

  • Ensure fleetcommand-agent also deletes the system namespace.

  • Updated version of Cluster Autoscaler to 1.13.9.

fleetcommand-agent v14 (January 2020)

Image: quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v14


Upgrade Notes

Before you upgrade, you must put Domino into maintenance mode to avoid losing work. Maintenance mode pauses all apps, model APIs, restartable workspaces, and scheduled jobs. Allow running jobs to complete or stop them manually.