fleetcommand-agent command reference

See Run Commands to access the default entry point for the fleetcommand-agent container and launch commands.

fleetcommand-agent is an automation tool that deploys and configures Domino. It supports the following commands.


Generates a template configuration file.

--file or -f

Write the template to the listed file system path. This must be a host volume mounted to the container.

--full or -F

Include optional and advanced portions of the template. Only use when advanced options are required. Configurations with these arguments are more complex to maintain.


Provide a registry URI to prepend to Domino images. This sets up the template for installation from a private Docker registry. Must be used with --full.


Generate a configuration template for the listed Domino version.

--template or -t

Initialize the configuration with values from a template. This can be used to upgrade the schema.


Generate a configuration file for target preset. Valid values: [eks, aks, gke, openshift]

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/install quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v65
init --file /install/domino.yml


Install Domino into a cluster specified by a Kubernetes configuration from the KUBECONFIG environment variable. You must pass a valid configuration file to this command.

This fleetcommand-agent command requires mapping a Kubernetes configuration file into the container or running from inside the Kubernetes cluster with an appropriate service account. Configuration files that rely on third-party utilities (such as awscli for EKS) may not work. See the Install process section for details on installing from within the cluster.
--file or -f

File system path to a complete and valid configuration file.


Path to a Kubernetes configuration file that contains the cluster and authentication information to use.


Run the command without making any permanent changes to the target cluster. This outputs all chart changes in the form of a list of newly added charts and a diff for any updated existing charts. Note that the --dry option relies on the Kubernetes secret, credential-store-domino-platform in the domino-system namespace. If any changes have been made to the secrets' schema, use the --local-secrets option along with --dry. This generates temporary secrets and avoids errors. You cannot use this option on a completely fresh Kubernetes cluster onto which Domino has not yet been installed.

--services or -s

Specific services to operate on. Multiple services can be specified in comma-delimited format: -s "service-a,service-b"


Force sync on or off. When on, fleetcommand-agent always redeploys all releases. When not specified, the option is automatically enabled when failed releases are detected; otherwise, it defaults to off.


Force atomic mode on or off. When on, automatically rolls back releases on failure. Combining with --no-sync can result in skipping failed releases.


Skip cleanup of temporary files for debugging purposes. Incompatible with --sync and --dry.


Don’t fail on certain validation errors; only warn. This bypasses checks for Mongo upgrade version compatibility and metrics-server presence.


Cache secrets locally in plain text, within the agent’s container. Useful for dry runs on upgrades, as changes to the live secrets schema might be required to perform a dry run, but a dry run doesn’t update that live secret.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/install quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v65 run --file /install/domino.yml


Remove all resources from the target cluster for a configuration file.

This fleetcommand-agent command requires mapping a Kubernetes configuration file into the container or running from inside the Kubernetes cluster with an appropriate service account. Configuration files that rely on third-party utilities (such as awscli for EKS) may not work. See the Install process section for details on installing from within the cluster.
--file or -f

File system path to a complete and valid configuration file.


Path to Kubernetes configuration file that contains the cluster and authentication information to use.


Run the command without making permanent changes to the target cluster. A dry run checks service account permissions and generates detailed logs about the charts deployed with the configuration.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/install quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v65
destroy --file /install/domino.yml


Write values files.

--file or -f

The file system path to a complete and valid configuration file.

--services or -s

Only render templates for specific services. Multiple services can be specified in comma-delimited format: -s "service-a,service-b"

This also renders dependencies.

The directory where templates are written.


The filename of the Go text template for generating the output files; the default is {{ .State.BaseName }}/{{ .Release.Name }}.yaml.


The path to the Kubernetes configuration file that contains the cluster and authentication information to use.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/install quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v65
write-values --file /install/domino.yml --output-dir /install/values


Write rendered chart templates.

--file or -f

The file system path to a complete and valid configuration file.

--services or -s

Only render templates for specific services. Note: This will also render dependencies. Multiple services can be specified in comma-delimited format: -s "service-a,service-b"


The directory where templates are written.


The filename of the Go text template for generating the output files; the default is {{&nbps;.OutputDir&nbps;}}/{{&nbps;.Release.Namespace&nbps;}}/{{&nbps;.Release.Name&nbps;}}.yaml.


Don’t validate charts against cluster.


Don’t clean up temporary files.


Path to Kubernetes configuration file that contains the cluster and authentication information to use.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/install quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v65
template --file /install/domino.yml --output-dir /install/values


Get all possible image overrides.


Generate image overrides for the requested version.


The registry server hostname for images.


Repository prefix (the domino in quay.io/domino/nucleus:tag).

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/install quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v65
image-overrides --version 5.5.1

config schema

Generate the JSON schema for the configuration.


The name of the file to which the schema is written.


The version of the schema from which to generate the output.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/install quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v65
config schema --file /install/domino-schema.js

config lint

Validate the configuration.


The file system path to a complete and valid configuration file.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/install quay.io/domino/fleetcommand-agent:v65
config lint --file /install/domino.yml