Manage Domino Datasets

When users have large quantities of data, including collections of many files and large individual files, Domino recommends that users import the data using a Domino Dataset.

Datasets are collections of Snapshots, where each Snapshot is an immutable image of a filesystem directory from the time when the Snapshot was created. These directories are stored in a network filesystem managed by Kubernetes as a shared Persistent Volume.

To view all the Datasets in your Domino deployment, go to Admin > Data > Datasets. From here you can manage permissions, and rename and delete Datasets.

Domino natively supports Domino Datasets with the following cloud storage services:

  • Amazon EFS

  • Azure File Storage

  • Google Cloud Filestore

The Domino File Store can also be backed with a shared Kubernetes Persistent Volume from a compatible storage class. You can provide an NFS storage service, and Domino installation utilities can deploy the nfs-client-provisioner and configure a compatible storage class backed by the provided NFS system.

Each Snapshot of a Domino Dataset is an independent state, and its membership in a Dataset is an organizational convenience for working on, sharing, and permissioning related data. Domino supports running scheduled Jobs that create Snapshots, so users can write or import data into a Dataset as part of an ongoing pipeline.

You can permanently delete Dataset Snapshots. This is a two-step process to avoid data loss. Users must mark Snapshots to be deleted, then you must confirm the deletion, if appropriate. This capability makes Datasets the right choice for storing data in Domino that has regulatory requirements for expiration.