Troubleshoot installation

Run the following tests to verify that your Domino installation was successful:

  • Sign in to the Domino application and check that all the navigation pane options work.

    If not, check that Keycloak was set up properly.

  • Create a new project and launch a Jupyter/JupyterLab workspace.

    If not, check that default environment images have been loaded in the cluster.

  • Verify that the Control Center page is operational.

    Failure means you must check that all the pods in the domino-deployment namespace run correctly.

  • Verify that the Dispatcher page is operational.

    Failure means you must check that all the pods in the domino-deployment namespace run correctly.

  • Publish an app with Flask or Shiny apps.

    Failure means you must check that the environment images have flask and shiny installed.

  • Complete a run to verify that email notifications are operational and verify that you received an email confirmation.

    Failure means that you must verify there are valid email addresses for users in the admin section.

  • VLaunch a new model (confirm through the API tester and curl it).

    Failure of this test means you must check that Domino can create new objects in the cluster.

  • Start a workspace and add a file to the domino/datasets/<username>/<project_name>/scratch directory to verify datasets. Confirm that the dataset shows up in Domino after you close the workspace.

    Failure of this test means you must check your data and storage configurations in the admin section.