Edit a Data Plane

  1. Go to Admin > Data Planes.

  2. Next to the data plane you want to edit, click the three-dot menu and select Edit.

    There are some limitations on what can be edited:


    The data plane name can be freely changed (remember to let your users know).


    Migrating a data plane to a new namespace is technically possible, but not generally supported. Please reach out to Domino for support.

    Storage Class

    Changing the storage class does not affect any running executions, but it does apply to new executions. This may disrupt existing workspaces.


    Changing the data plane hostname affects running executions requires some steps to update the configuration in the data plane:

    Disable File Sync

    This can be changed at any time and will apply to newly-launched workloads.

    Enable Istio

    Enabling or disabling Istio support for an existing data plane is possible, but not trivial. Please reach out to Domino for support.