Use Git in your Workspace

If you want to use Git workflows such as creating branches, committing code, and pushing or pulling changes in a workspace, you must use Git-based projects or imported Git repositories.

To use Git, you can:

Use the IDE

If you prefer a user interface, or you do not have much experience using a terminal, you can use your Git service provider’s user interface (such as GitHub) with the actions in a Domino workspace’s navigation pane such as Select and Sync (if configured in your environment), Sync to Domino, and Pull.

Sync changes to Git

Use the terminal

Start a terminal in your workspace and use Git just like you would in a local environment. See the Git cheatsheet for common workflows.

Terminal in workspace

Use the plugin

Many IDEs integrate with Git or have plugins or extensions for Git.

RStudio Git plugin

Domino’s Git-based projects fully support these features. You can use them to interact with Git in Domino. See the following resources for information about how to use Git with your IDE: