Use the Domino CLI behind a proxy

To configure the Domino CLI to use your proxy, you must modify files in the client installation directory:

  • On Mac, the directory is: /Applications/domino

  • On Windows, the directory is: C:Users<your_username>AppDataLocalProgramsdomino

In the root of the installation directory, there is a file named domino.vmoptions with some configuration options available. Add the line -include-options ~/.domino/domino.vmoptions at the end of the file for any *nix based system (Windows users MUST specify the appropriate path where domino.vmoptions will be created):

-include-options ~/.domino/domino.vmoptions

You must create the user level configuration file domino.vmoptions in the appropriate location/folder. The folder ~/.domino/ may not exist, in which case you should run mkdir ~/.domino to create it. You must have a user level configuration file to ensure your settings are never modified if the CLI is reinstalled or updated. In the new ~/.domino/domino.vmoptions, assign your proxy’s port and host configuration:


Replace YOURPROXYHOST and 1234 with your actual proxy connection information.

Do not include http(s):// in the proxyHost parameters.

Proxy authentication with the Domino CLI

CLI supports Basic and NTLM proxy authentication. Add the following parameters to your ~/.domino/domino.vmoptions file for proxy authentication:


# Make sure you have disabled the system proxy via this setting
# This is required to enable basic authentication for Java versions >= Java 8u111
# More info here ->
# (https) Do not include quotes
# (https) Do not include quotes, even if your password contains spaces
# (http) Do not include quotes
# (http) Do not include quotes, even if your password contains spaces
# Make sure to leave a blank line at the end


# This is an extension of Basic Proxy settings
# (http) Make sure to specify the NTLM domain for this Proxy
# (https) Make sure to specify the NTLM domain for this Proxy.
# Make sure to leave a blank line at the end

The proxy username is case-sensitive when using NTLM proxy authentication.