Connect to Starburst/Trino

Use the Starburst/Trino Data Source to connect to an existing Starburst/Trino cluster. Once connected, you can use the Data Source to:

  • Execute queries against the Starburst/Trino cluster using the data stores it’s connected to.

  • Run Starburst/Trino federated queries supported by your Starburst/Trino cluster.

See the list of Trino connectors Trino connectors for supported data stores.

You must have network connectivity between the Starburst/Trino cluster and your Domino deployment.

In a hybrid deployment, Trino Data Sources are only available in executions that use a hardware tier in the local data plane.

Create a Trino Data Source

Domino recommends that you use a Domino Data Source to connect to a Trino instance.

  1. From the navigation pane, click Data > Connect to External Data.

  2. Select Trino in the Select Data Store dropdown.

    New Data Source

  3. Enter the details about your Data Source and click Next:


    The URL, hostname, or IP address of your Trino host.

    Optional: Networking Proxy

    The URL (host and port) of your networking proxy that points to your Trino cluster, if applicable.


    The port number for the connection, such as 443.


    The name of the Trino catalog where your data is located. For example, if you plan to use the table hive.test_data.test then the catalog name is hive.

    Optional: Schema

    The name of the Trino schema to use. For example, if you plan to use the table hive.test_data.test then the schema name is test_data.

    Data Source Name

    The name that identifies the Data Source.

    Optional: Data Source Description

    The purpose for the Data Source.

  4. Specify the credentials for authenticating to Trino.

    Basic authentication is supported by default. The Domino secret store backed by HashiCorp Vault securely stores the credentials.

  5. Click Test Credentials.

  6. If the Data Source authenticates, click Next.

  7. Select who can view and use the Data Source in projects.

  8. Click Finish Setup.

Next steps