Sync changes

You can sync recent changes to your files or all changes. Domino recommends that you sync your work at least daily.


If you’re using a Git-based project, the navigation pane in your workspace is different than if you were using a Domino project. See Use Git in your workspace to learn more about saving and syncing your work using Git in a Git-based project.

Sync changes to files

When you sync changes to remote Git repositories, Domino fetches the latest content from the remote branch (git fetch), then commits local changes on top of the updated branch (git rebase), and then pushes the commits to the remote.

  1. Click File Changes in the navigation pane of your workspace.

  2. Under Files, expand File Changes to view changes.

  3. Enter a commit message.

  4. Click Sync to Domino. Changes to files in the /mnt directory of your workspace will be synced to the Domino File System (DFS). Changes to files outside of the /mnt directory will not be synced.

    Sync file changes to Domino


    Files with names containing "?" can be saved in a workspace and synced to the DFS, but will not be viewable via the Code page.

  5. After syncing to Domino is complete, you can view your files in the Code section of your project.

    View files in Domino

Sync all changes

  1. Click File Changes in the navigation bar of your workspace.

  2. Under All Changes, enter a commit message.

  3. Click Sync All Changes. Domino will save all your work to the Domino File System (DFS).

    Sync all changes

Sync in detached HEAD state

If you launch a workspace from a commit ID in a Git-based project and then try to sync or pull changes, you may see the following error: Detached head state Workspace

In this scenario, your workspace is in a detached HEAD state. In order to pull or sync, you must checkout a branch.

Different IDEs may provide different ways to checkout a branch. The following instructions will work for Jupyter Notebook.

  1. Open a terminal. Open terminal in Jupyter

  2. Type git checkout -b my-new-branch-name into the terminal. Your new branch starts from the commit ID that you launched with. git checkout feature branch

  3. Re-try the sync or pull action.


When saving your work, remember that changes to files outside the /mnt directory will not persist if you stop your workspace and resume the workspace at a later time.

Force changes

When files are in conflict, you can choose to either resolve manually or force changes. Force my changes overwrites remote files with changes in your workspace. This means that the commit history on the remote will match the commit history in your workspace.

Git-based projects