Fine-tuning of Foundation Models

Fine-tune large language models (LLMs) and computer vision models with Domino Foundation Models to affordably take advantage of large, general-purpose models for your domain-specific needs.

Domino Code Assist provides a friendly UI to select a foundation model and fine-tune it on a new dataset. Domino Code Assist generates code to preprocess the data and execute a model trainer. After training, Domino publishes the fine-tuned model to the Experiments page along with the experiment’s parameters and logged metrics.

Domino Foundation Models give you:

  • Full transparency and control of training code.

  • Rapid testing and iteration with processed data.

  • Integration with MLflow to easily monitor results, register, and deploy models.

  • Rapid setup and configuration.

Domino Foundation Models leverage models and datasets from Hugging Face.

For more information about the prerequisites, how to choose a model to fine-tune, choose a dataset, view the experiment, and customize and bootstrap, see Domino’s Fine-tune Foundation Models documentation.