Fetch and save your data in MATLAB

You can upload local data into Domino or access large datasets stored in a database or data service.

Work with data in Domino:

  1. You can copy your data into Domino. If you are working with data on your local machine or in a shared server, you might want to upload your data into Domino.

  2. You can query your data from Domino. If you have a large dataset stored in a database or data service, you might have to query the database or the API for the data service.

Step 1: Copy data to Domino project

In this step, you’ll use the terminal to copy your data into the project. The starting file path in your workspace is /mnt. By default, this is considered the root of your Domino project. If you add or modify files in /mnt, you can save them back to your project when you stop or sync the workspace.

  1. Copy and paste the following command to fetch data from the U.S. NOAA Climatology service.

    !curl -o tegel.csv https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/global-historical-climatology-network-daily/access/GME00121150.csv
  2. Go to the Current Folder to see the downloaded file.

    The downloaded file


The temperature data is in tenths of Celsius degrees. Learn more here: README File for Daily Global Historical Climatology Network.

Step 2: Save data to Domino project

  1. In the navigation bar, click the File Changes icon.

    Sync file changes

  2. Click Sync All Changes.

Step 5.3: Review your changes

  1. Click Domino.

    The Domino icon

  2. In the navigation bar, click Code to see the file that you downloaded in the previous steps. Notice that a new revision has been saved.

    New revision of the downloaded file

See the documentation for other methods to copy data into Domino (curl or Wget) and query data from Domino.