Feature store quickstart

This quickstart guide covers an example flow for a feature store of File offline store type and SQLite online store type, using these steps:

  1. Prerequisites to prepare the Git repository

  2. Set up a feature store with the applicable infrastructure and data.

  3. Create and publish an example feature view.

  4. Train a model on historical features.

  5. Materialize features into the online store.

  6. Predict the best driver using the trained model and materialized online features.


  1. Prepare an empty Git repository.

  2. Create a data folder in the Git repository if it doesn’t exist.

  3. Download the driver_stats.parquet file and place it in the data folder.

Set up a feature store

  1. Follow the instructions to set up a feature store using File type offline store and SQLite type online store.

Publish feature views

  1. Enable the feature store on your Project of choice.

  2. In your Project Workspace, navigate to the file location found on the mounted feature store Git repository under File Changes > Imported Repositories.

    Mounted feature store Workspace

  3. Upload the following Python file into the directory at the file location. This Python file defines the offline store and a feature view.

    # This is an example feature definition file
    from datetime import timedelta
    from pathlib import Path
    from feast import (
    from feast.types import Float32, Int64
    current = Path.cwd()
    # Read data from parquet files. Parquet is convenient for local development mode. For
    # production, you can use your favorite DWH, such as BigQuery. See Feast documentation
    # for more info.
    driver_stats_source = FileSource(
        path=str(current / "data/driver_stats.parquet"),
    # Define an entity for the driver. You can think of an entity as a primary key
    # used to fetch features.
    driver = Entity(
        description="driver id",
    # Our parquet files contain sample data that includes a driver_id column, timestamps and
    # three feature column. Here we define a Feature View that will allow us to serve this
    # data to our model online.
    driver_stats_fv = FeatureView(
        # The unique name of this feature view. Two feature views in a single
        # project cannot have the same name
        # The list of features defined below act as a schema to both define features
        # for both materialization of features into a store, and are used as references
        # during retrieval for building a training dataset or serving features
            Field(name="conv_rate", dtype=Float32),
            Field(name="acc_rate", dtype=Float32),
            Field(name="avg_daily_trips", dtype=Int64),
        # Tags are user defined key/value pairs that are attached to each
        # feature view
        tags={"team": "driver_performance"},
  4. Publish your changes. When the Job finishes, you should see the created feature view in the global registry at Data > Feature Store.

Train a model

  1. Upload the following script as a Python file called train.py in the /mnt directory. This script retrieves historical features from the driver_stats database file and uses them to train a model with linear regression.

    The /path/to/mounted/feature-store in the script needs to be replaced with the actual mount path of the feature store repository. In the Workspace or Job, the feature store repository mounted path is /features/<repo_name>.
    from datetime import datetime
    import feast
    import pandas as pd
    from joblib import dump
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
    # Load driver order data
    entity_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
            "driver_id": [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1001],
            "event_timestamp": [
                datetime(2021, 4, 12, 10, 59, 42),
                datetime(2021, 4, 12, 8, 12, 10),
                datetime(2021, 4, 12, 16, 40, 26),
                datetime(2021, 4, 12, 15, 1, 12),
            "trip_completed": [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
    # Connect to your feature store provider
    fs = feast.FeatureStore(repo_path="/path/to/mounted/feature-store")  # replace with actual mount path
    # Retrieve training data from parquet database file
    training_df = fs.get_historical_features(
    print("----- Feature schema -----
    print("----- Example features -----
    # Train model
    target = "trip_completed"
    reg = LinearRegression()
    train_X = training_df[training_df.columns.drop(target).drop("event_timestamp")]
    train_Y = training_df.loc[:, target]
    reg.fit(train_X[sorted(train_X)], train_Y)
    # Save model
    dump(reg, "driver_model.bin")

    The last line saves the model into mnt/driver_model.bin.

  2. After uploading the file, sync your file changes to Domino by going to File Changes > Files and clicking Sync to Domino.

  3. Run the script by navigating to the Jobs page and creating a Job for mnt/train.py. After the Job finishes, the mnt/driver_model.bin should show up in the /mnt directory.

Materialize features into the online store

Materializing features moves features from a specific time range into the online store for low-latency serving. This is used for getting near real-time features for model inference work. For example, if you want to use driver data from the last two weeks for prediction, you would use the time period from 2 weeks ago to the current time in your materialize script.

  1. Upload the following script into the /mnt directory as materialize.sh. Replace [feature-store/path/location] with the file mount path of your feature store repository. This script serializes the latest values of features since the beginning of time to prepare for serving.

    set -x
    echo "Starting materializing"
    cd [feature-store/path/location] #replace with actual mount path
    CURRENT_TIME=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    feast materialize 2020-09-15T19:20:01 $CURRENT_TIME
    git add data/online.db
    git add data/registry.db
    git commit -m "Feast materialize to $CURRENT_TIME"
    git push
    #feast materialize-incremental $CURRENT_TIME
    echo "Finished materializing"
  2. Sync the added file to Domino by visiting File Changes > Files and clicking Sync to Domino.

  3. Run the script by navigating to the Jobs page and creating a Job with the /mnt/materialize.sh script.

Predict the best driver

  1. Upload the following script as a Python file predict.py in the mnt directory.

    The /path/to/mounted/feature-store in the script needs to be replaced with the actual mount path of the feature store repository. In the ModelAPI, the feature store repository mounted path is /repos/<repo_name>.
    import feast
    import pandas as pd
    from joblib import load
    class DriverRankingModel:
        def __init__(self):
            # Load model
            self.model = load("driver_model.bin")
            # If run from workspace or job, the mounted repo path is "/features/<repo_name>"
            # If run from ModelAPI, the mounted repo path is "/repos/<repo_name>"
            self.fs = feast.FeatureStore(repo_path="/path/to/mounted/feature-store")  # replace with actual mount path
        def predict(self, driver_ids):
            # Read features from Feast
            driver_features = self.fs.get_online_features(
                entity_rows=[{"driver_id": driver_id} for driver_id in driver_ids],
            df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(driver_features.to_dict())
            # Make prediction
            df["prediction"] = self.model.predict(df[sorted(df)])
            # Choose best driver
            best_driver_id = df["driver_id"].iloc[df["prediction"].argmax()]
            # return best driver
            return best_driver_id
    def predict(drivers):
        print(f"drivers: {drivers}")
        model = DriverRankingModel()
        best_driver = model.predict(drivers)
        print(f"best driver: {best_driver}")
        return dict(driver=str(best_driver))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        drivers = [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004]
        model = DriverRankingModel()
        best_driver = model.predict(drivers)

    The script selects the best driver based on the selected features.

  2. Sync the added file to Domino by visiting File Changes > Files and clicking Sync to Domino.

  3. Run the script as a Model API by navigating to the Model APIs page and creating a model API with the /mnt/predict.py script and predict function.

  4. Input the below JSON block as the request. The model returns the best driver from the inputted IDs.

  "data": {
    "drivers": [

Next steps