Access external data

If the data you need for your project is not already in Domino, you have several options. You can connect Domino to any of your existing external data stores, or you can upload data to Domino’s built-in storage. Then, you can make your data available to other users to add to their projects.

Sometimes the data you need is already in Domino. See Find and add data to a project to learn how to locate existing data in Domino and add it to your project.
Connect to external data services with Data Source connectors

Domino can connect to your external data services, such as databases, data warehouses, and data lakes. You can use Domino connectors or direct connections to connect to your data services.

Mount data from external data volumes

If you have NFS or SMB volumes that you want to use in Domino, you can mount them as External Data Volumes (EDVs).

Manage data in Domino with Datasets

Use Domino Datasets to bring in external files and share them with your collaborators. Datasets offer high-performance, versioned, and structured file storage within Domino.

Access external data directly from code in Domino

Execute code in Domino to connect to any external data source you need directly from your code.