
A Domino workspace is an interactive session where you can conduct research, analyze data, train models, and more. Use workspaces to work in the development environment of your choice, like Jupyter notebooks, RStudio, VS Code, and many other customizable environments.

Launch a workspace

Create a workspace so you can use your preferred tools in a reproducible and customizable environment. Learn how to select or configure VS Code to be the workspace in an environment. You can also set custom preferences such as themes for RStudio workspaces.

Workspace settings

After creating a workspace, you can change the hardware tier, environment, volume size, and so on.

Save work in a workspace

If you save work to the mnt directory, it is persisted when the workspace is stopped and resumed.

Sync changes

You can synchronize changes made to files in the /mnt directory to a Domino project.

View workspaces

View workspaces that you or your collaborators created or deleted.

Stop a workspace

Stop workspaces to manage compute costs.

Resume a workspace

Restart workspaces that were previously stopped.

Delete a workspace

Delete workspaces that you no longer need.

View workspace logs

Use the logs to see information about user actions, Domino, and Kubernetes.

View workspace history

View sessions and commits that were made in a workspace.

View workspace usage

View current and historical workspace resource usage.

Work with legacy workspaces

View workspaces started prior to an upgrade from Domino 4.4 or earlier.

Use Git in your workspace

Use Git-based projects or import Git repositories to use in your workspace.


Select any commit to create a workspace from.

Run multiple applications in a workspace

Run multiple applications in the same workspace session if needed.


Use Open MPI, Dask, Ray, and Spark clusters with Domino.