Git-based Projects

Domino does not support Git Large File Storage (LFS).

Domino supports Git-based projects. Git-based projects:

  • Ensure common Git workflows are available natively in your workspace.

  • Provide an easy way to engage in version-controlled, code-based collaboration with fellow project team members within Domino.

  • Organize your projects' assets as either code, data, or artifacts to support common data science workflows.

Consider Git-based projects if you:

  • Have a beginner’s proficiency with Git.

  • Have experience with hosted version control systems like GitHub and Bitbucket.

  • Collaborate with several data scientists on projects.

To learn more about common workflows using Git and branching, see Git Feature Branch Workflow.

If you are not familiar with Git or hosted version control systems, or you want to reproduce data science research, then consider a Domino File System (DFS) project.


Before you use a private Git repository to store your code, you must add the corresponding Git credentials to your Domino account settings. After you add the credentials you can create a Git-based project in Domino.

If you use a public Git repository to store your code, you do not have to add your Git credentials.

If you run a job in a Git-based project, Domino only synchronizes and saves artifacts to the Domino File System (DFS). In Git-based projects, you must manually sync code or push it to the Git repository. This is intentional and supports the code, data, and artifacts workflow. To learn more, see running jobs.