Stop a Workspace

You can stop a workspace and resume it later. Frequently stopping and resuming a workspace session is a good way to manage compute costs. Storage costs (for example, Amazon EBS), however, will continue to incur.


Stopping a workspace does not automatically sync your work to Domino. See Sync Changes to sync your work.

Stop a Workspace

  1. Click Stop. A window opens with additional information about stopping the workspace.

    Stop a Workspace

  2. Click Stop My Workspace.

When you stop your workspace, the following settings persist and will be available to you when you resume your workspace session:

  • Files saved in the /mnt directory

The following settings will not persist and will reload when you resume your stopped workspace:

  • Files outside the /mnt directory, including installed packages

  • Objects in memory

  • Datasets

If you’re using a Git-based project and someone updates or deletes the credentials to the Git repository while your workspace session is stopped, the credentials will be updated when you resume your workspace.