Install the Domino Command Line Interface (CLI)

The Domino Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your Domino Environment from the command line. It can be used to perform various tasks, such as creating and deleting Projects, backup and restoring Projects, and downloading files.

This guide provides instructions to install the Domino CLI on your system. Instructions are provided for both graphical and headless installations.

Headless vs. graphical installation

Depending on your use case, you can either go for a Headless or Graphical installation:

  • Headless installation is an installation of the Domino CLI on a server or machine that does not have a graphical user interface (GUI). This is commonly done for machines that are used to automate tasks or run Domino CLI tasks in a server environment or on a Domino Workspace.

  • Graphical installation is an installation of the Domino CLI on a machine that has a GUI. This is the best option for users who want to use the Domino CLI with a graphical interface.

Install the Domino CLI using graphical mode

  1. Click your username at the bottom of the main menu to download the CLI installer depending on the operating system.

    Download the Domino CLI

  2. Run the installer application depending on your operating system. See Operating System Support for more information.

    On Mac OS X, the installer prompts you to enter administrator credentials. If you do not have administrator privileges, you can click Cancel; the installer prompts you to manually update your PATH instead. Click Ignore to continue the installation process, then add export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/domino" (assuming the default installation folder) to your bash_profile.

  3. In a command prompt, type domino login https://<your-domino-url>;.

    The system prompts you to authorize using the CLI with Domino.

  4. Paste the following URL in your browser to use authorizeCLI to get the authentication code.

    You might be required to log in.
  5. Enter the authorization code provided and press Enter. A message indicates that the login succeeded.

Congrats, you’re all set! Check out the Domino CLI Reference for documentation about using the CLI.

Install the Domino CLI on a headless Linux machine

A headless installation is an installation of the Domino CLI on a server or machine that does not have a GUI. This is commonly done for machines that are used to automate tasks or run Domino CLI tasks in a server environment or on a Domino Workspace.

Install CLI from the command line

Step 1: Install headless Java:
apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless
Step 2: Download the CLI installer

Replace <domino-url> in the link below with the Domino URL that is currently linked to the client.

wget https://<domino-url>/download/client/unix -O /tmp/
Step 3: Run the CLI installer
sh /tmp/
If you encounter an AtkWrapper error, resolve it by commenting out /etc/java-8-openjdk/ assistive_technologies and re-running the installer.
sed -i 's/^assistive_technologies=/#assistive_technologies=/g' /etc/java-8-openjdk/

Operating system support

Domino supports recent versions of the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu Linux

  • Windows 10

  • macOS


The Domino CLI can be installed on Linux machines using either the GUI or headless method.


Domino recommends that you use the version of the Domino CLI that comes bundled with a 64-bit JRE. The 32-bit version is deprecated.


You must have root privileges to run the Domino CLI for macOS. If you didn’t enter administrator credentials during the installer process, you can add export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/domino" (assuming the default installation folder) to bash_profile.

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