Work with Domino Datasets

Domino Datasets provide high-performance, versioned, and structured filesystem storage in Domino. You can use Datasets to build multiple curated collections of data in one project and share them with your collaborators to use in their projects. Likewise, you can mount Datasets from other projects in your own project if they are shared with you. You can modify the contents of a Dataset through the Domino application or through executions.

A Dataset always reflects the most recent version of the data. For reproducibility, you can create read-only snapshots of your Dataset at any moment in time. Snapshots are useful when you need to ensure that the data you’re working on does not change.

From your code, you can access the latest version of a Dataset or a snapshot of a Dataset. The topics in this section show you how to use Datasets in your projects.

Create and manage Datasets

Find shared Datasets and make them part of your project.

Use Datasets and Snapshots

Use the Dataset’s path to access the Dataset from your code.

Version data with Snapshots

Create a read-only, immutable version of the Dataset. Add tags to create a friendly, stable path to snapshots that hold the desired state for your data.

Work with local data

Store data in a Domino Dataset and reserve your project files for the scripts and documents that you want to work with locally.

Manage large Datasets

Use Domino Datasets or Project data compression to handle large data.