Domino File System

This topic describes the filesystem structure you will find when you use a Domino File System (DFS) project.

The filesystem root (/) contains the following directories.

├── bin
├── boot
├── dev
├── domino  # Contains the datasets directory.
├── etc
├── home
├── lib
├── lib32
├── lib64
├── media
├── mnt     # Default working directory.
├── opt
├── proc
├── root
├── run
├── sbin
├── scripts
├── srv
├── sys
├── tmp
├── usr
└── var

Domino working directory

When you start a Run from a DFS project, Domino loads all the files needed for your project into the Domino working directory.

By default, your working directory is /mnt. The folders and files from your project will be in that directory.

If your project is set up to import another project, your working directory is /mnt/<project-owner-username>/<project-name>.

Domino sets the DOMINO_WORKING_DIR environment variable for all Runs. This variable contains the path to your working directory.

In addition to your project files, the following files and folders are stored in the working directory:

├── ipynb_checkpoints   # Contains the auto-saved Jupyter states.
├── results             # Contains your generated results.
    └── stdout.txt      # Tail of the console output from your Run.
├── requirements.txt    # Optional: Specifies Python package dependencies.
├── .dominoresults      # Determines which files are rendered as results.
├── .dominoignore       # Contains file patterns for Domino to ignore.
├── .dominokeep         # Prevents directory removal of empty directory.
├── dominostats.json    # Values shown in the Jobs dashboard.
├── email.html          # Controls the formatting of notification emails.
├── .noLock             # Solves "too many open files" messages.
├──              # Contains app-launching code for Domino Apps.
├── domino.log          # Contains CLI logs for local CLI projects only.
└── .domino.vmoptions   # Contains proxy settings for local CLI projects only.

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