Install the Data API

Use the Data API with the right Domino environment. If you want to install it manually, with pip, Domino recommends you install the Data API as an extra dependency of the main Python Domino package.

Domino Standard Environment

The Data API comes pre-packaged in the Domino Standard Environment (DSE) starting with version 5.0 for Python and version 5.3 for R.

If you want to use your own environment, you can install the API by adding the following to the Dockerfile Instructions section:

Please refer to the Index page to find which version of the packages you need to install on your version of Domino.

To install the Python library
USER root

## Install Domino and Data API Python packages
RUN python -m pip install dominodatalab[data]

## Alternatively if you need to specify the version of the Data library
RUN python -m pip install dominodatalab dominodatalab-data=={x.y.z}

USER ubuntu
To install the R library
USER root

## Install Domino Data API as dependency of R library
RUN python -m pip install dominodatalab-data=={x.y.z}

## Install R library via github (using
RUN R --no-save -e "install.packages('remotes')"
RUN R --no-save -e "remotes::install_github('dominodatalab/DominoDataR@{a.b.c}')"

USER ubuntu

Python Package Index (PyPI)

If you use the API as a standalone library, the package name will be domino_data. We recommend installing it as part of the main domino package for easier and consistent import see Tabular store for an example.
python -m pip install dominodatalab[data]
The Data API is published in PyPI:
python -m pip install dominodatalab-data=={x.y.z}