This topic provides complete reference information about all of Domino’s public REST API endpoints. For details about endpoints that are not officially public, see the legacy Domino Data Lab API documentation.
Get AI Gateway Audit Data
Gets AI Gateway audit data given filter input parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
endpointIds | Endpoint IDs to query audit data for | array | query | ||
endpointNames | Endpoint names to query audit data for | array | query | ||
startTime | Start time (iso8601) | string | query | ||
endTime | End time (iso8601) | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get all active Gateway LLMs accessible by the user
Get all active Gateway LLMs accessible by the user
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
offset | How many Endpoints from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Endpoints to fetch. Defaults to fetching all. | integer | query | ||
sortByField | The field by which to sort the list of returned endpoints. Defaults to creation date | string | query | creationDate endpointName endpointType modelProvider modelName | |
shouldSortAscending | Boolean whether to sort Endpoints ascending or descending. Defaults to false (descending). | boolean | query | ||
searchFilter | Search string by which to filter the list of returned endpoints | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a new endpoint
Create a new a endpoint
Name | Description | Required |
NewEndpointV1 | Details of the new endpoint to create NewEndpointV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get a endpoint by name
Get a endpoint by name (returns endpoint if user has access and endpoint is active)
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
endpointName | Name of the endpoint to get | string | path | ||
numInputTokens | Number of input tokens sent to the endpoint | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update a endpoint by name
Update a endpoint by name (change endpoint name, endpoint type, model name, model provider, or model config)
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
endpointName | Name of the endpoint to update details for | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
UpdatedEndpointV1 | Updated endpoint details UpdatedEndpointV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Delete a endpoint by name
Delete a endpoint by name
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
endpointName | Name of the endpoint to delete | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Deleted | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get permissions for a endpoint by name
Get permissions for a endpoint by name
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
endpointName | Name of the endpoint to get permissions for | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update permissions for a endpoint by name
Update permissions for a endpoint by name (add or remove user IDs, or change isEveryoneAllowed)
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
endpointName | Name of the endpoint to update permissions for | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
UpdatedEndpointPermissionsV1 | Updated endpoint permissions UpdatedEndpointPermissionsV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Request a prediction from an Async model
Request a prediction from an Async Model
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
asyncModelId | Id of Async Model | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
NewAsyncPredictionV1 | Information for new Async Prediction NewAsyncPredictionV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
413 | Request entity is larger than limits defined by server. | |
422 | The server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions. | |
429 | The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Retrieve the result of an Async Model prediction
Retrieve the result of an Async Model prediction
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
asyncModelId | Id of Async Model | string | path | ||
asyncPredictionId | Id of Async Prediction | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get usable billing codes
Get billing codes that a user can see.
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Upsert billing codes
Upsert billing codes.
Name | Description | Required |
NewBillingTagsV1 | Billing codes to upsert NewBillingTagsV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get billing tag by tag name
Get billing tag by tag name.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
tag | tag of the billing tag to archive | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Deactivate billing tag
Deactivate a billing tag.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
tag | tag of the billing tag to archive | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get billing tags setting
Get billing tags setting
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update billing tags setting
Update billing tags setting
Name | Description | Required |
BillingTagsSettingsV1 | undefined BillingTagsSettingsV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get all Compute Provider Types
Get all Compute Provider Types.
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get all non-archived Compute Provider
Get all non-archived Compute Provider.
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a new Compute Provider
Create a new Compute Provider.
Name | Description | Required |
ComputeProviderCreation | Details of the Compute Provider to create ComputeProviderCreation |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update a Compute Provider
Update a Compute Provider.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
computeProviderId | ID of Compute Provider | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ComputeProviderCreation | Details of the Compute Provider to create ComputeProviderCreation |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Delete a Compute Provider
Delete a Compute Provider.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
computeProviderId | ID of Compute Provider | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Deleted | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Gets all non-archived Compute Tiers based on the provided filters
Gets all non-archived Compute Tiers based on the provided filters.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
search | Search filter by Compute Tier name | string | query | ||
offset | How many Compute Tiers from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Compute Tiers to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query | ||
computeProviderId | Compute Provider that Compute Tier belongs to. | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a new Compute Tier
Create a new Compute Tier.
Name | Description | Required |
ComputeTierCreation | Details of the Compute Tier to create ComputeTierCreation |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get full configuration details for a Compute Tier
Get full configuration details for a Compute Tier.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
computeTierId | ID of Compute Tier | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Gets selectable Compute Tiers based on the provided filters
Gets selectable Compute Tiers based on the provided filters.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
search | Search filter by Compute Tier name | string | query | ||
offset | How many Compute Tiers from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Compute Tiers to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query | ||
computeProviderId | Compute Provider that Compute Tier belongs to. | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update a Compute Tier
Update a Compute Tier.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
computeTierId | ID of Compute Tier | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ComputeTierCreation | Details of the Compute Tier to create ComputeTierCreation |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Delete a Compute Tier
Delete a Compute Tier.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
computeTierId | ID of Compute Tier | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Deleted | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get the cost allocation over a time window
Retrieve cost allocation
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
window | Duration of time over which to query. Accepts words like today, week, month, yesterday, lastweek, lastmonth; durations like 30m, 12h, 7d, or time like 2021-03-10T00:00:00Z,2021-03-11T00:00:00Z | string | query | ||
aggregate | Aggregate the cost allocation. Accepts kubecost aggregates cluster, namespace, pod, deployment, service, daemonset, statefulset, job, cronjob, replicaset, node, container, pv, pvc, storageclass, cluster | string | query | ||
start | Start time of the query. Accepts RFC3339 format, must be inside the window | string | query | ||
end | End time of the query. Accepts RFC3339 format, must be inside the window | string | query | ||
accumulate | If the result will be accumulated. Default is false. If true, the result will be accumulated from the start time to the end time. | boolean | query | ||
filter | Filter the result by the kubecost filter like cluster, namespace, pod, deployment, service, daemonset, statefulset, job, cronjob, replicaset, node, container, pv, pvc, storageclass, cluster. | string | query | ||
shareIdle | if the idle cost will be shared | boolean | query | ||
shareNamespaces | list of namespaces to share the costs | string | query | ||
shareSplit | Determines how to split shared costs among non-idle, unshared allocations. | string | query | ||
shareCost | The cost to share | string | query | ||
shareLabels | The label to share the cost | string | query | ||
reconcile | If the cost will be reconciled | boolean | query | ||
shareTenancyCosts | If the tenancy costs will be shared | boolean | query | ||
idle | If the idle cost will be calculated | boolean | query | ||
external | If the external cost will be calculated | boolean | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success |
Get the asset cost over a time window
Retrieve asset cost
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
window | Duration of time over which to query. Accepts words like today, week, month, yesterday, lastweek, lastmonth; durations like 30m, 12h, 7d, or time like 2021-03-10T00:00:00Z,2021-03-11T00:00:00Z | string | query | ||
aggregate | Aggregate the cost allocation. Accepts kubecost aggregates cluster, namespace, pod, deployment, service, daemonset, statefulset, job, cronjob, replicaset, node, container, pv, pvc, storageclass, cluster | string | query | ||
start | Start time of the query. Accepts RFC3339 format, must be inside the window | string | query | ||
end | End time of the query. Accepts RFC3339 format, must be inside the window | string | query | ||
accumulate | If the result will be accumulated. Default is false. If true, the result will be accumulated from the start time to the end time. | boolean | query | ||
filter | Filter the result by the kubecost filter like cluster, namespace, pod, deployment, service, daemonset, statefulset | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success |
Set AWS Billing API Configuration
Set AWS Billing API Configuration
Name | Description | Required |
AthenaBillingConfigsV1 | AWS Billing API Config AthenaBillingConfigsV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Add kubecost license key
Add kubecost license key
Name | Description | Required |
KubecostLicenseV1 | Kubecost License Key KubecostLicenseV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Send a metric alert
Send a metric out of range alert for a monitored model. Required Permissions: `ViewMonitoringResults`
Name | Description | Required |
MetricAlertRequestV1 | Details about the metric alert to send MetricAlertRequestV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Log metric values
Log metric values. Required Permissions: `RegisterMonitoringDataset`
Name | Description | Required |
NewMetricValuesEnvelopeV1 | List of metric values to log NewMetricValuesEnvelopeV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Retrieve metric values
Retrieve metric values. Required Permissions: `UpdateMonitoringSettings`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelMonitoringId | ID of the monitored model | string | path | ||
metric | Name of the metric to retrieve | string | path | ||
startingReferenceTimestampInclusive | Timestamp to filter metrics by referenceTimestamp >= startingReferenceTimestampInclusive. Timestamp should follow the RFC3339 format with timezone e.g. 2013-07-01T17:55:13-07:00 | string | query | ||
endingReferenceTimestampInclusive | Timestamp to filter metrics by referenceTimestamp <= endingReferenceTimestampInclusive. Timestamp should follow the RFC3339 format with timezone e.g. 2013-07-01T17:55:13-07:00 | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Deprecated - Get datasets accessible to user
Deprecated: Use GetDatasetsV2. Get Datasets that a user has access to
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID filter | string | query | ||
offset | How many Datasets from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Datasets to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a dataset
Create a new Dataset. Requires access to the project the dataset will originate from
Name | Description | Required |
NewDatasetRwV1 | Dataset to create NewDatasetRwV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get dataset by ID
Get Dataset by ID. Requires List access to the dataset
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
datasetId | ID of dataset to retrieve | string | path | 62604702b7e5d347dbe7a909 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update dataset metadata
Update Dataset name or description. Requires Update access to the dataset
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
datasetId | ID of dataset to update | string | path | 62604702b7e5d347dbe7a909 |
Name | Description | Required |
DatasetRwMetadataV1 | Fields to update DatasetRwMetadataV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get dataset grants by ID
Get Dataset grants by ID. Requires List access to the dataset
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
datasetId | ID of dataset to get grants for | string | path | 62604702b7e5d347dbe7a909 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Add a grant to a dataset's existing sequence of grants
Add a grant to a dataset's existing sequence of grants. Requires EditSecurity access to the dataset.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
datasetId | ID of dataset to add a grant to | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
DatasetRwGrantV1 | Grant to add DatasetRwGrantV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Remove a grant from a dataset's existing sequence of grants
Remove a grant from a dataset's existing sequence of grants. Requires EditSecurity access to the dataset
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
datasetId | ID of dataset to remove the grant from | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
DatasetRwGrantV1 | Grant to remove DatasetRwGrantV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get snapshots belonging to dataset
Get Snapshots belonging to a dataset. Requires List access to the dataset
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
datasetId | ID of dataset to retrieve snapshots for | string | path | 62604702b7e5d347dbe7a909 | |
offset | How many Snapshots from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Snapshots to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a snapshot
Create a new Snapshot in a dataset. Requires Read access to the dataset and project access
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
datasetId | Dataset ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
NewSnapshotV1 | Snapshot to create NewSnapshotV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Tag a snapshot in this Dataset
Tag a snapshot in this Dataset with the given tagName. Requires Update access to the dataset
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
datasetId | Dataset ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
DatasetRwTagToAddV1 | Tag name and snapshot ID to apply it to DatasetRwTagToAddV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Remove a tag from a Dataset
Remove a Tag from a dataset. Requires Update access to the dataset
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
datasetId | Dataset ID | string | path | ||
tagName | Name of tag to delete | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get snapshot
Fetch a snapshot by ID. Requires List access to the dataset
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
snapshotId | Snapshot ID | string | path | 62604702b7e5d347dbe7a909 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get datasets the user has access to
Get Datasets that a user has access to based on dataset permissions and input filters
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
minimumPermission | Filter for minimum dataset permission the principal needs to have in returned datasets. | Undefined | query | ||
projectIdsToExclude | ProjectIds of datasets to exclude from result. | array | query | ||
projectIdsToInclude | ProjectIds to get the datasets from. Should not be passed in if projectIdsToExclude is and vice versa. | array | query | ||
includeProjectInfo | Boolean to determine whether or not to return project-info in return objects. | boolean | query | ||
offset | How many Datasets from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Datasets to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get Data Source Audit Data
Gets Data Source audit data given filter input parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
dataSourceIds | Data Source IDs to query audit data for | array | query | ||
dataSourceNames | Data Source names to query audit data for | array | query | ||
eventKinds | events to query - AccessDataSource, CreateDataSource, DataSourceAssociatedToProject, DataSourceDissociatedFromProject, DataSourceChangeOfOwnership, DataSourceChangeOfPermissions, DeleteDataSource | array | query | ||
startTime | Start time (iso8601) | string | query | ||
endTime | End time (iso8601) | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get all active Data Source the user has access to
Get Data Sources that a user has access to based on Data Source permissions and input filters
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
dataSourceNames | Names of the Data Sources to get | array | query | ||
offset | How many Data Sources from the start to skip, sorted by descending ID order. Defaults to 0 | integer | query | ||
limit | Maximum number of Data Sources to fetch. Defaults to 10 | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a Data Source
Create a Data Source
Name | Description | Required |
NewDataSourceV1 | Data Source to create NewDataSourceV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get Data Source by ID
Gets Data Source by ID. Requires access to Data Source
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
dataSourceId | ID of Data Source to get | string | path | 62604702b7e5d347dbe7a909 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update Data Source with specified ID
Update Data Source with specified ID. If the current user is not an admin, then only their individual credentials are updated. Otherwise, the shared credentials are updated. If updating a Starburst-powered Data Source, please remember to restart the Starburst cluster in the UI for the changes to take effect. Requires Data Source management privileges
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
dataSourceId | ID of Data Source to update | string | path | 62604702b7e5d347dbe7a909 |
Name | Description | Required |
DataSourceUpdateV1 | Users and projects to add and remove DataSourceUpdateV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Delete Data Source with specified ID
Delete Data Source with specified ID. Requires Data Source ownership privileges
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
dataSourceId | ID of Data Source to delete | string | path | 62604702b7e5d347dbe7a909 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get Environments visible to a user
Get environments that a user can see. Required permissions: `None`.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
offset | How many Environments from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Environments to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create an environment
Create an environment. Required permissions: `CreateEnvironment, EditEnvironment, UseFileStorage`.
Name | Description | Required |
NewEnvironmentV1 | Environment to create NewEnvironmentV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a Revision of an Environment
Create a revision of an environment. Required permissions: `ManageEnvironments, EditEnvironment, UseFileStorage`.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
environmentId | Id of environment to create revision of | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
NewEnvironmentRevisionV1 | Environment revision to create NewEnvironmentRevisionV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update the restricted revision of an environment
Update a revision of an environment to mark if isRestricted. Required permissions: `ClassifyEnvironments`.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
environmentId | Id of environment to mark restricted revision | string | path | ||
revisionId | Id of environment revision to mark is restricted | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
UpdateEnvironmentRevisionV1 | Body of isRestricted UpdateEnvironmentRevisionV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get an environment
Get an Environment by its Id. Required permissions: `ViewEnvironment`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
environmentId | Id of environment to retrieve | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Archive an environment
Archive an Environment, removing it from the list of visible environments. Required permissions: `ManageEnvironments, EditEnvironment`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
environmentId | Id of environment to archive | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get all hardware tiers
Get all hardware tiers. Required permissions: `ViewHardwareTiers`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
offset | How many hardware tiers from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | How many hardware tiers to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query | ||
includeArchived | Whether to include archived hardware tiers. Defaults to false. | boolean | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a hardware tier
Create a hardware tier. Required permissions: `ManageHardwareTiers`
Name | Description | Required |
NewHardwareTierV1 | Hardware tier to create NewHardwareTierV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update a hardware tier
Update a hardware tier. Required permissions: `ManageHardwareTiers`
Name | Description | Required |
HardwareTierV1 | Updated hardware tier HardwareTierV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get a hardware tier by Id
Get a hardware tier by Id. Required permissions: `ViewHardwareTiers`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
hardwareTierId | Id of hardwareTier to retrieve | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Archive a hardware tier
Archive a hardware tier by Id. Required permissions: `ManageHardwareTiers`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
hardwareTierId | Id of hardwareTier to archive | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get Jobs for a project
Retrieve all Jobs that belong to a project. Required permissions: `ViewJobs.`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Id of project to retrieve Jobs for | string | query | 622a6944dde1a920fcccff0d | |
offset | Number of jobs from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | 2 | |
limit | Total number of Jobs to retrieve. Defaults to 10. | integer | query | 25 | |
sortBy | Field to sort Jobs by. Defaults to "number". | string | query | number title command startedTime duration status user commentCount dominoStatsField | |
dominoStatsSortFieldName | Field in domino stats to sort by. Only used if sortBy = dominoStatsField. | string | query | r-squared | |
ascending | Whether to sort ascending or descending. Defaults to False. | boolean | query | true | |
showArchived | Whether to include archived Jobs in results. Defaults to false. | boolean | query | true | |
statusFilter | Status of Jobs to fetch. Defaults to "all". | string | query | all queued running completed archived active | |
tagFilter | Tag to filter by. Must match tag name exactly. | string | query | MyTag |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get Job details
Retrieve a Job's details by its Id. Required permissions: `ViewJobs`.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
jobId | Id of Job to retrieve details for | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get logs for a Job
Retrieve the logs for the Job with the specified Id. Required permissions: `ViewJobs`.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
jobId | Id of job to get logs for | string | path | ||
logType | Type of log to retrieve. Case insensitive. | string | query | stdOut stdErr prepareOutput complete | |
limit | Max number of log lines to fetch. Will not retrieve over 10000 log lines at a time. | integer | query | ||
latestTimeNano | The epoch time in nanoseconds to start fetching from | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get linked goals for a job
Retrieve goals for a Job with the specified Id. Required permissions: `ViewJobs`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
jobId | Id of job to link to goal | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Link a goal to a job
Link the Goal with the specified Id to a Job. Required permissions: `ViewJobs, Edit`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
jobId | Id of job to link to goal | string | query |
Name | Description | Required |
GoalToLinkV1 | undefined GoalToLinkV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Unlink goal from job
Unlink the Goal with the specified Id from a Job. Required permissions: `ViewJobs, Edit`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
goalId | Id of goal to remove | string | path | ||
jobId | Id of job to remove goal from | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Start a Job
Start a new Job. Required permissions: `StartJob, UseGlobalCompute`
Name | Description | Required |
NewJobV1 | undefined NewJobV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Add a tag to a Job
Add a Tag to the Job with the specified Id. Required permissions: `ViewJobs`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
jobId | Id of job to add tag to | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
TagToAddV1 | undefined TagToAddV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Remove a tag from a Job
Remove a Tag from the Job with the specified Id. Required permissions: `ViewJobs`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
jobId | Id of job to remove tag from | string | path | ||
tagId | Id of tag to remove | string | path | ||
projectId | Id of project that tag belongs to | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Lists Model APIs based on the query filters. Returns only Model APIs visible to the requesting user.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
environmentId | The id of the environment to filter the Model APIs by. | string | query | ||
projectId | The id of the project to filter the Model APIs by. | string | query | ||
name | The name of the Model APIs. Can be a regular expression. | string | query | ||
registeredModelName | The name of the registered model that is the source of the Model API. | string | query | ||
registeredModelVersion | The version of the registered model that is the source of the Model API. Can only be present along with registeredModelName. | integer | query | ||
limit | The number of result to retrieve. Defaults to 25. | integer | query | ||
offset | The offset from the first element to start retrieving from. | integer | query | ||
orderBy | Field to order results by. Format is the name of the field optionally followed by a space and either ASC or DESC. If not specified defaults to ASC. | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The list of Model APIs matching the provided query. |
Creates a new Model API with a single Model API version.
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiCreationRequest | undefined ModelApiCreationRequest |
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 | The created Model API. |
Updates a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to update. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiUpdateRequest | undefined ModelApiUpdateRequest |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The updated Model API. |
Lists the access tokens of a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to list the access tokens for. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The access tokens of the Model API. |
Creates an access token for a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to create the access token for. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiAccessTokenCreationRequest | undefined ModelApiAccessTokenCreationRequest |
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 | The created access token |
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to retrieve the access token for. | string | path | ||
accessTokenId | The id of the access token to retrieve. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The Model API access token with the given id. |
Updates a Model API access token.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to update the access token for. | string | path | ||
accessTokenId | The id of the access token to update. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiAccessTokenCreationRequest | undefined ModelApiAccessTokenCreationRequest |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The updated Model API access token. |
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to delete the access token for. | string | path | ||
accessTokenId | The id of the access token to delete. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
204 | Successfully deleted the Model API access token. |
Lists the collaborators of a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to list the collaborators for. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The list of collaborators for the given Model API. |
Adds a collaborator to a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to add the collaborator to. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiCollaboratorRole | undefined ModelApiCollaboratorRole |
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 | The added collaborator |
Retrieves a single collaborator for a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to retrieve the collaborator for. | string | path | ||
collaborator | The reference of the collaborator to retrieve. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The Model API collaborator with the given reference. |
Updates a Model API collaborator.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to update the collaborator for. | string | path | ||
collaborator | The reference of the collaborator to update. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiCollaboratorRole | undefined ModelApiCollaboratorRole |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The updated collaborator. |
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to remove the collaborator from. | string | path | ||
collaborator | The reference of the collaborator to remove. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
204 | Successfully removed the collaborator. |
Deletes a Model API environment variable.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to delete the environment variable from. | string | path | ||
environmentVariableName | The name of the environment variable to delete. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
204 | Successfully deleted the Model API environment variable. |
Lists the volumes of a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to list the volumes for. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The list of volumes corresponding to the requested Model API. |
Creates a volume for a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to create the volume for. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiVolume | undefined ModelApiVolume |
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 | The created volume. |
Deletes a Model API volume.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to delete the volume for. | string | path | ||
volumeName | The name of the volume to delete. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
204 | Successfully deleted the Model API volume. |
Lists the Model API Versions for a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to list the versions for. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The list of Model API Versions for the given Model API. |
Creates a Model API Version for a Model API.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to create the version for. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiVersionCreationRequest | undefined ModelApiVersionCreationRequest |
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 | The created Model API Version. |
Retrieves a single Model API Version.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to retrieve the version for. | string | path | ||
modelApiVersionId | The id of the Model API Version to retrieve. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The Model API version with the given id. |
Retrieves the build logs for a Model API Version.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to retrieve the build logs for. | string | path | ||
modelApiVersionId | The id of the Model API Version to retrieve the build logs for. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The build logs for the given Model API Version. |
Retrieves the deployment logs for a Model API Version.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to retrieve the deployment logs for. | string | path | ||
modelApiVersionId | The id of the Model API Version to retrieve the deployment logs for. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The deployment logs for the given Model API Version. |
Retrieves the export logs for a Model API Version.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to retrieve the export logs for. | string | path | ||
modelApiVersionId | The id of the Model API Version to retrieve the export logs for. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The export logs for the given Model API Version. |
Retrieves the instance logs for a Model API Version.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to retrieve the instance logs for. | string | path | ||
modelApiVersionId | The id of the Model API Version to retrieve the instance logs for. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The instance logs for the given Model API Version. |
Updates a Model API Version's production label.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to update the production label for. | string | path | ||
modelApiVersionId | The id of the Model API Version to update the production label for. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiVersionProductionLabel | undefined ModelApiVersionProductionLabel |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The updated Model API Version target state. |
Updates a Model API Version's target state.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelApiId | The id of the Model API to update the target state for. | string | path | ||
modelApiVersionId | The id of the Model API Version to update the target state for. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelApiVersionTargetState | undefined ModelApiVersionTargetState |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The updated Model API Version target state. |
Retrieve all Model Deployments
Retrieves all Model Deployments filtered by optional query arguments.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
name | The Model Deployment name to search by. | string | query | ||
limit | The number of result to retrieve. Defaults to 25. | integer | query | ||
offset | The offset from the first element to start retrieving from. | integer | query | ||
orderBy | Field to order results by. Format is the name of the field optionally followed by a space and either ASC or DESC. If not specified defaults to ASC. | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | A list of Model Deployments matching the provided query. | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a new Model Deployment
Creates a new Model Deployment entity.
Name | Description | Required |
ModelDeploymentCreation | undefined ModelDeploymentCreation |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | The created Model Deployment. | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Retrieve a specific Model Deployment
Retrieves a specific Model Deployment entity by id.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelDeploymentId | The id of the Model Deployment to retrieve | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Model Deployment with the requested id. | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update a Model Deployment
Update fields of a Model Deployment entity by id.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelDeploymentId | The id of the Model Deployment to update | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ModelDeploymentCreation | Details of the Model Deployment to create. ModelDeploymentCreation |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Model Deployment updated successfully. | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Archives a Model Deployment.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelDeploymentId | The id of the Model Deployment to archive. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
204 | Successfully archived the Model Deployment. |
Retrieve all versions of a specific Model Deployment
Retrieves summary information for all historical versions of a Model Deployment.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelDeploymentId | The id of the Model Deployment to update | string | path | ||
limit | The number of result to retrieve. Defaults to 25. | integer | query | ||
offset | The offset from the first element to start retrieving from. | integer | query | ||
orderBy | Field to order results by. Format is the name of the field optionally followed by a space and either ASC or DESC. If not specified defaults to ASC. | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | A paginated list of all Model Deployment versions for a specific Model Deployment. | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Retrieve a specific version of a Model Deployment
Retrieves a specific historical version (Model Deployment entity) of a Model Deployment.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelDeploymentId | The id of the Model Deployment | string | path | ||
version | Version number of the Model Deployment | integer | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Historical version of the Model Deployment found. | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get the Organizations for a user
Retrieve all Organizations of which this user is a member. Required permissions: `None`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
nameFilter | Optional value to filter organization names with. Must exactly match organization name. | string | query | ||
offset | How many orgs from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of orgs to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create an organization
Create a new Organization. Required permissions: `Must be logged in user`
Name | Description | Required |
NewOrganizationV1 | undefined NewOrganizationV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get all organizations. Only accessible to admin users.
Get all organizations. Required permissions: `ManageOrganizations`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
nameFilter | Optional value to filter organization names with. | string | query | ||
offset | How many orgs from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of orgs to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get an organization by Id
Retrieve an Organization by its Id. Required permissions: `ViewOrganization`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
organizationId | Id of organization to retrieve. This is the id of the org in the users collection, not the organizations collection. | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Add a user to an org
Add a new user to an Organization. Required permissions: `EditMembers`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
organizationId | Id of organization to add a user to. This is the id of the org in the users collection, not the organizations collection. | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
OrganizationMemberV1 | undefined OrganizationMemberV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Remove a user from an org
Remove a user from an Organization. Required permissions: `EditMembers`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
organizationId | Id of organization to add a user to. This is the id of the org in the users collection, not the organizations collection. | string | path | ||
memberToRemoveId | Id of user to remove from org. | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get Projects visible to user
Get projects that a user can see. Required permissions: `ListProject`.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
offset | How many Projects from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Projects to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a project
Create a project. Required permissions: `CreateProject, UseFileStorage`.
Name | Description | Required |
NewProjectV1 | Project to create NewProjectV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Archive project by id
Archive a project by id. Required permissions: `ArchiveProject`.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | ID of the project to retrieve | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get project result settings
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update project result settings
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ProjectResultsSettingsV1 | Project status ProjectResultsSettingsV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get Project by Id
Get project by id. Required permissions: `ListProject`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | ID of the project to retrieve | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Add a collaborator to this project
Add a collaborator to this project. Required permissions: `ManageCollaborators`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ProjectCollaboratorV1 | Collaborator ID ProjectCollaboratorV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Remove a collaborator from project
Remove a collaborator from the project. Required permissions: `ManageCollaborators`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | ID of the project to remove collaborator from | string | path | ||
collaboratorId | ID of the collaborator to remove | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a new project by copying an existing project and providing optional overrides.
Create a new project by copying an existing project and providing optional overrides. Specify a git repository to link to the copied project or copy the original project's git repository for the copied project.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
CopyProjectSpecV1 | Information needed in order to copy a project. CopyProjectSpecV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
429 | The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get goals in this project
Get goals in this project. Required permissions: `ListProject`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Add a goal to this project
Add a goal to this project. Required permissions: `Edit`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
NewProjectGoalV1 | Goal to add NewProjectGoalV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update project goal status
Update project goal status. Required permissions: `Edit`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID of the goal | string | path | ||
goalId | ID of the goal to update | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ProjectGoalForUpdateV1 | Project goal for update ProjectGoalForUpdateV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Delete a project goal
Delete a project goal. Required permissions: `Edit`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | ID of the project to delete goal from | string | path | ||
goalId | ID of the goal to delete | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get all imported git repositories in this project
Get all imported git repositories in this project. Required permissions: `ListProject`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path | ||
offset | How many Projects from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Projects to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Add an imported git repository to this project
Add an imported git repository to this project. Required permissions: `ChangeProjectSettings`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
NewProjectGitRepositoryV1 | Repository to add NewProjectGitRepositoryV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Remove an imported repository from project
Remove an imported repository from the project. Required permissions: `ChangeProjectSettings`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | ID of the project to remove goal from | string | path | ||
repositoryId | ID of the repository to remove | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update project status
Update the status of a project. Required permissions: `Edit`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
ProjectStatusV1 | Project status ProjectStatusV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Returns the contents of a file (deprecated, use v1 endpoint instead)
Return the raw contents of a file in a project at given commit.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Id of the project to return files for | string | path | ||
commitId | Id of a commit in the project repository to list files from | string | path | ||
path | Path in the project's repository to the file. It must be url-encoded and is case-sensitive. | string | path | nested%2Ffolder%2Ffile.ext |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success. It returns a stream of data with the file content, specifying the appropriate media type based on the file extension in a best-effort basis. | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Returns the contents of a file
Return the raw contents of a file in a project at given commit.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Id of the project to return files for | string | path | ||
commitId | Id of a commit in the project repository to list files from | string | path | ||
path | Path in the project's repository to the file. It must be url-encoded and is case-sensitive. | string | path | nested%2Ffolder%2Ffile.ext |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success. It returns a stream of data with the file content, specifying the appropriate media type based on the file extension in a best-effort basis. | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get shared datasets that a project uses
List shared datasets used by a project. Required permissions: `GetDatasetsRw`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Link a shared dataset to this project
Link a shared dataset to this project. Required permissions: `ManageDatasetsRw,UseFileStorage`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
DatasetToAddV1 | Dataset ID DatasetToAddV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Unlink a shared dataset from this project
Unlink the dataset with the specified Id from a project. Required permissions: `ManageDatasetsRw,UseFileStorage`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Id of project | string | path | ||
datasetId | Id of shared dataset to remove | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success |
Get Registered Models visible to user
Get registered models that a user can see.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID of requested models. | string | query | ||
searchPattern | Search parameter to retrieve models from Mlflow (currently supports name and tags) | string | query | ||
pageToken | Pagination token to go to the next page based on a previous search query. | string | query | ||
maxResults | Max number of Registered Models to fetch. Defaults to 25. | integer | query | ||
orderBy | List of columns for ordering search results, which can include model name and last updated timestamp with an optional "DESC" or "ASC" annotation, where "ASC" is the default. Tiebreaks are done by model name ASC. | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a new a Registered Model from an experiment run
Create a new a Registered Model from an experiment run
Name | Description | Required |
NewRegisteredModelV1 | Details of the registered model to create NewRegisteredModelV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Request access to a project
Request access to a project
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
204 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get a list of Registered Models' names visible to user
Get a list of Registered Models' names visible to user.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
search | Search filter by model name | string | query | ||
offset | How many Registered Models from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Registered Models to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query | ||
projectId | Project ID of requested models. | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get Registered Models visible to user
Get registered models that a user can see.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID of requested models. | string | query | ||
searchPattern | Search parameter to retrieve models from Mlflow (currently supports name and tags) | string | query | ||
globallyDiscoverable | globallyDiscoverable flag to indicate if we want to return globally discoverable models. Defaults to false. | boolean | query | ||
pageToken | Pagination token to go to the next page based on a previous search query. | string | query | ||
maxResults | Max number of Registered Models to fetch. Defaults to 25. | integer | query | ||
orderBy | List of columns for ordering search results, which can include model name and last updated timestamp with an optional "DESC" or "ASC" annotation, where "ASC" is the default. | string | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get registered model version stages for a project
Get registered model version stages for a project
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path | ||
includeDefaults | includeDefaults flag to indicate if we want to return global stages if no overrides are set for the project | boolean | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Set registered model version stages for a project
Set registered model version stages for a project
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
RegisteredModelVersionStagesV1 | List of registered model version stages to set for a project RegisteredModelVersionStagesV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get a specific Registered Model
Get a specific Registered Model
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update a Registered Model
Update a Registered Model
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
PatchRegisteredModelV1 | Details of the model to update PatchRegisteredModelV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Returns list of Model APIs deployed from a specific Registered Model
Gets all active model Apis that were deployed from a given Registered Model
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get all versions of a Registered Model
Get all versions of a Registered Model
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path | ||
offset | Offset for pagination from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of Registered Models to fetch. Defaults to 20 | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a new version of a Registered Model
Create a new version of a Registered Model
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
NewRegisteredModelVersionV1 | Details of the model version to create NewRegisteredModelVersionV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get a specific version of a Registered Model
Get a specific version of a Registered Model
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path | ||
version | Version of the registered model | integer | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update a Registered Model version
Update a Registered Model version
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path | ||
version | Version of the registered model | integer | path |
Name | Description | Required |
UpdatedRegisteredModelVersionV1 | Updated details of the registered model version UpdatedRegisteredModelVersionV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Returns list of Model APIs deployed from a specific Registered Model Version
Gets all active model Apis that were deployed from a given Registered Model Version
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path | ||
version | Version of the registered model | integer | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a review of a Registered Model
Create a review of a Registered Model
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path | ||
version | Version of the registered model | integer | path |
Name | Description | Required |
NewRegisteredModelReviewV1 | Details about the review to create NewRegisteredModelReviewV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 | Created | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Update a review of a Registered Model - add or remove reviewers with an option to change notes, or change status to canceled with an option to change notes but cannot do both simultaneously or simply change notes
Update a review of a Registered Model by 1) adding or remove reviewers with an option to change notes, or 2) changing status to canceled with an option to change notes, but cannot do both simultaneously, or 3) changing only notes
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path | ||
version | Version of the registered model | integer | path | ||
modelReviewId | Id of the model review to edit | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
UpdatedRegisteredModelReviewV1 | Details about the review edit UpdatedRegisteredModelReviewV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
204 | Updated | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create a response to a Registered Model review
Create a response to a Registered Model review
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path | ||
version | Version of the registered model | integer | path | ||
modelReviewId | Id of Model Review | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
NewRegisteredModelReviewResponseV1 | Details about the review to create NewRegisteredModelReviewResponseV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 | Created | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get registered model version stages valid for starting a model review
Get registered model version stages valid for starting a model review
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | model name | string | path | ||
version | version of the model | integer | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Validates whether a model version can transition to a given stage
Validates whether a model version can transition to a given stage
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
modelName | Registered model name | string | path | ||
version | Version of the registered model | integer | path |
Name | Description | Required |
RegisteredModelVersionStageValidationV1 | The information of the stage to transition RegisteredModelVersionStageValidationV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get the possible stages of a Registered Model
Get the possible stages of a Registered Model
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get git credential accessor for a User
Retrieve a users git credentials. Required permissions: `UpdateUser`.
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
userId | Id of the User to fetch creds for | string | path |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get the current user
Retrieve the current user. Required permissions: `None`
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Get all users visible to the current user
Retrieves all users visible to the current user. Required permissions: `None`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
offset | How many users from the start to skip. Defaults to 0. | integer | query | ||
limit | Max number of users to fetch. Defaults to 10. | integer | query |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |
Create workspace session
Creates a new session given an existing workspace. Required permissions: `OpenWorkspace`, `UseGlobalCompute`
Name | Description | Required | Type | In | Example |
projectId | Project ID | string | path | ||
workspaceId | Workspace ID | string | path |
Name | Description | Required |
NewWorkspaceSessionV1 | New session parameters NewWorkspaceSessionV1 |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 | Success | |
400 | The server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax | |
401 | The current user cannot perform this operation because they are not logged in | |
403 | The current user is not authorized to perform this operation | |
404 | The server could not find the requested resource | |
500 | An internal error prevented the server from performing this action |