Configure Project stages

You can define a set of custom project stages so your users can label their projects. Users can use these stages to mark a project’s progress throughout the workflow. This lets them communicate their progress in a project to their colleagues and to leadership.

This also lets them create useful views in the projects portfolio.

After you determine and set the stages, you must communicate how they must be used to your team.

To learn more about how users interact with and set project stages, see Set Project Stages.

Set up the stages
  1. In the Admin application, go to Advanced > Project Stage Configuration.

  2. Click Add Record to create a label for a stage that will be available for Domino users to set on their projects. The record at the top of the list is the default stage all new projects.

  3. Create Create.

Domino recommends setting up a custom default project with information in the README about your teams practices, available environments, and how users must use project stages.