Use Intel Habana accelerators

Gaudi accelerators from Habana Labs (an Intel company) deliver low-cost-to-train deep learning models for natural language processing, object detection, and image recognition use cases.

AWS currently offers a dl1.24xlarge EC2 image with eight Gaudi accelerators available. See Amazon EC2 DL1 Instances.

1. Add node pool and hardware tiers

  1. Create or add a Gaudi-enabled node to an existing node-pool in your Domino cluster.

  2. Create a hardware tier so users can use this resource in Domino.

    1. Select the Use custom GPU resource name checkbox.

    2. In GPU Resource Name enter

2. Install the Habana Device Plugin for Kubernetes

Prerequisite: Admin kubectl permissions to your cluster

  1. Use the kubectl command to add the Habana device plugin for Kubernetes.

    kubectl create -f
  2. Run the following command to verify the plugin is running:

    kubectl get pods -n habana-system

3. Use Gaudi-enabled containers

Many Intel Habana environment containers work natively in Domino. To use a custom image to create a new environment, paste the Docker registry path into the FROM field.

See the Habana Developer Catalog for more pre-built container images that can be used in Domino.