
Administrators assign roles to users based on assignments and responsibilities. Set these roles in the application or map them from your identity provider if you have SSO integration enabled. If you start with a completely new Domino installation, the first user to log in is assigned the SysAdmin and Practitioner roles.

The available roles are:

  • SysAdmin - Administers instance with full administrative access.

  • CloudAdmin - Administers Domino Cloud instance with limited administrative access (Domino Cloud only).

  • ProjectManager - Manages organizations and project tags.

  • SupportStaff - Manages compute-related functionality.

  • Practitioner - Uses compute and file storage.

  • ReadOnlySupportStaff - View compute-related configuration.

  • Librarian - Manages project library.

  • LimitedAdmin - SysAdmin without access to projects and data.

  • LicenseReviewer - Views license-related content.

  • Lite User - A user with no role. See Lite User.

LimitedAdmin and LicenseReviewer roles do not grant any permissions to Projects or Data.

By default, all new users are assigned the Practitioner role.

Edit roles

When multiple roles are assigned to a user, permissions are additive. To grant users roles, you must be a SysAdmin or a CloudAdmin. SysAdmins can grant any role to any user. CloudAdmins can grant the CloudAdmin and Practitioner roles to CloudAdmins and Practitioners.

  1. In the Admin application, click Users.

  2. Search for the username to grant permissions.

  3. Click Edit and select the roles.

  4. Click Save.

Project overview actions

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

Create Project

View Project List

Fork Project

Archive Project

File actions

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

List and View Files

Edit Files

Upload Files

Workspace actions

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

Start Workspace

Stop Workspace

Open Workspace

View Workspace History

Archive Workspace

Job actions

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

Start Job

Stop Job

(Public projects only)

View Job History

Create Scheduled Job

Edit Scheduled Job

Delete Scheduled Job

Project settings actions

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

View Project Settings

Edit Project Settings

Experiment management actions

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

Register a new experiment or a new run of an experiment

View/list/search experiments and runs (including metadata and artifacts)

Delete (archive) an experiment or experiment run

Update an experiment or experiment run (includes logging artifacts, adding tags, etc.)

Model registry actions

PermissionLauncher userResults consumerContributorProject ownerSysAdminCloudAdmin

Register a new model or a new version of a model

Archive a registered model version

Owning user only

Update a registered model version

View / list / search registered models and their versions

Deploy a model as a Domino Model API

Export a model as a Model API Image

Download model artifacts

Model API actions

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

Create model API

Be a model API "Owner"

Be a model API "Editor"

Be a model API "Viewer"

Stop a model version

View model settings

Edit model settings

Promote a model version to Prod

App actions

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

Publish or Start App

Stop App

View App

Launcher actions

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

View Launchers

Create or Edit Launcher

Delete Launcher

Run Launcher

Dataset actions

See Dataset permissions and Dataset Roles for more information.

PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

Create Dataset

Mount/Unmount Dataset

Delete Dataset Snapshot

List All Datasets on Global Data Page

List All Datasets and Snapshots in Admin Application

Permanently Delete Datasets and Snapshots from the Admin Application

Cancel Delete Requests within the time set by com.cerebro.domino.dataset.graceTimeForDeletion. See Read-write datasets.

Edit Any Dataset Permissions

Environment actions

As a reminder, your organization incurs costs when anyone creates or stores environments.
PermissionPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

List and View Environment

Create Environment

Edit Environment

Administrator actions

PermissionLite UserPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

View Admin UI

Edit Settings in Admin UI

Edit Central Configuration

Edit Users

Edit Feature Flags

Create Global Environments

Edit Global Environments

View Usage Reports

Create Notifications

Edit Hardware Tiers


Run MongoDB Queries


Manage Executions

View Datasets in Admin UI

Manage Datasets in Admin UI

Use Cost Monitoring

Configure Cost Budgets and Alerts

*CloudAdmins can only manage hardware tiers if the central config key com.cerebro.domino.dominoCloud.cloudAdmin.canManageHwTiers is set to true.

**MongoDB access is disabled in Domino Cloud.

Organization actions

PermissionLite UserPractitionerSysAdminCloudAdminSupportStaffReadOnlySupportStaffLibrarianLimited AdminLicense Reviewer

Create Organizations

Organization Owner Can Add/Remove Members To/From the Organization

Organization Owner Can Make Another User an Owner of the Organization

Add/Remove Members To/From Any Organization

Can Make Another User an Owner of Any Organization

Select Hardware Tiers Available to Members of the Organization

You cannot delete organizations after you create them.

About the Project Manager Role

When Project Managers are members of organizations, their role grants them owner-level access to all projects that are owned by other members of the organizations. This allows the Project Manager to see these projects and their assets in the Projects Portfolio and Assets Portfolio.

The Project Manager might also have the ability to add users to these organizations, thereby gaining contributor access to those users' projects. For this reason, the Project Manager must be treated as a highly privileged role, similar to System Administrator.

CloudAdmin role

CloudAdmins are given most of the access SysAdmins have, but not all. CloudAdmins are only available on Domino Cloud.

CloudAdmins restrictions:
  • Manage central config

  • Manage feature flags

  • Manage email configuration

  • Manage search index

  • Manage API keys

  • Run MongoDB commands

  • View Kubernetes dashboard

  • Restart Nucleus

CloudAdmins can only manage users with the Practitioner or CloudAdmin roles. Users with any other roles cannot be managed by CloudAdmins. CloudAdmins can only assign the Practitioner or CloudAdmin roles.

Lite User role

A user with no roles is called a Lite User or, in some contexts, a Results Consumer. They have restricted feature access and may have a different licensing status.

Lite Users have permission to do the following:

  • View the project list.

  • View files in a project.

  • View Workspace history.

  • View Job history.

  • Be added as collaborators of model APIs.

  • View Apps.

  • View and run Launchers (if permitted in project settings).

  • List and view Environments.

  • View experiments.

Data Analyst role

The Data Analyst role is for users who have some technical background and coding experience in Python and R, but who do not need access to all the MLOps features of Domino. For more information, see Data Analyst role.