Communication and shared context

Domino helps collaborators stay informed about what others are doing, making teamwork more streamlined and creative.

Three features enable shared context: Notifications, comments, and the activity feed.


Collaborators on a Project can opt to get notifications when certain events in the Project take place. This helps them stay informed as their colleagues are working. For more see Notifications.

Notifications preference


Collaborators on a Project can leave comments on a variety of items in the Project, such as files or Jobs. Comment threads live inside the Project and can be indexed for Search. @mentioning collaborators will send them notifications via email.

Domino’s commenting feature is a powerful way to preserve historical context and keep colleagues abreast of ongoing work. For more see Comments.

To comment on a file, use the text input below the file.

Comment on files

Comments on Jobs will appear in the Comments tab of the Job details pane on the Jobs Dashboard.

Comment on Jobs

You can also comment on Results inline in the Results tab.

Comment on results

See the following page for step-by-step instructions to Add comments.

Activity feed

A Project’s activity feed makes it easy to see the history of activity on a Project. This is useful if collaborators need to catch up on developments they have missed (e.g., if they were out of the office or in another time zone). Or if someone is picking up an old Project or joining a team and needs to educate themselves on the history of the work.

Project activity feed

Next steps

Learn about other ways Domino streamlines collaboration: