Project assets

The Assets Portfolio shows assets in projects that you own or in which you are a collaborator. These assets can be Model APIs, Apps, Launchers, or Scheduled Jobs. Domino System Administrators see assets in all projects across the Domino instance, and Domino Project Managers see assets in all projects owned by users in their organizations.

See the assets for your Project

  1. In the navigation pane, go to Switch to to open the Control Center,

  2. Click Control Center.

    Select the Control Center item

  3. In the navigation pane, click Assets. When first opened, the Assets Portfolio shows Model APIs by default.

  4. Click an asset type to view.

    Assets portfolio

    For each asset type, the table shows metrics and information specific to that asset.

  5. You can select which columns to view with the column-picker.

  6. To filter the table, type a query in the text box.

    Pick columns to view